Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day Three Hundred Forty Three

Dear Readers,
      I really hate having to catch up on blogs. Some days just don't allow time for me to really do it. Some days I am just too tired, or lazy. Usually because it is late and I know if I start it there is a good chance I would just fall asleep at the keyboard. There was one time that I did that and somehow deleted my blog while asleep. It was a huge waste of time. So now, if it gets to that point, I just get a good nights sleep and do it the morning. Definitely more refreshed that way. I wouldn't have started last nights until about midnight. Signs of a bad plan. So here I am catching up again.
      I had to back to work, to finish the job from Friday. At least it wasn't the whole day. Just about five hours. I woke up hurting. You know it's bad when I woke up in more pain after that one day of work then I did after the Spartan Race. Another way I know it was rough on my body, is when I slept through my alarm and was late to work. Usually I sleep through my alarm if I stay up late. I went to bed early though. I made it through the day though. With a little help from a nice nap in the middle of it. It was decorating day at Raina's moms house. Every year. The same decorations in the same place. This is Brandon's forte. Getting on the roof and hanging lights and making sure everything works perfectly. Today, I played the part tha is normally occupied by Brandon when we work over there. Providing comic relief, handing people tools and spending time in the bathroom. For some reason it seems like whenever we worked over there, Brandon spent more time then usual in the bathroom. Now he has become known for it and it comes up every time we work over there. If there is work going on and you can't find Brandon, check the bathroom. He's never going to shake that one. Although, when it comes to Christmas lights, Brandon gets into the zone and cannot be stopped. Just like yesterday. The whole house was decorated. Outside, the tree, the stockings were hung, enough decorations around the living room and kitchen to fill two other rooms as well. Although, this year was not as exorbitant as previous years, normally using enough decorations to decorate three homes. Unless there is more decorations going up after we left. Which is a possibility. Christmas is in full swing now. Decorations and presents and music. I am sure the Christmas movies will start shortly. Including my mom's favorite, A Charlie Brown Christmas. A fun and festive time of year. Which I am sure is the reason it is Raina's favorite time of year. By a landslide.
      After all that hard work of decorating, I was wiped out. I crashed on the couch even before the decorating was done. I think I napped for two hours. I'm not sure, because my internal clock was all messed up and I just know the day happened and we did stuff and I made it through. After waking from my nap, we headed out for an evening of Dave and Busters with Brandon and Brooke and Brent and Yvonne and McKenna. It was a spur of the moment thing, but it was a welcome distraction. It took a little while to fully wake from my slumber, but once I did, it was game on. At a place like Dave and Busters, there are plenty of opportunities to entertain a little friendly competition. Matching up in a basketball shooting match, only to lose out to Brooke who whipped on us just about every round. I redeemed myself on the trivia game, sweeping all the rounds. One thing is for sure, I have a terrible memory when it comes to what I did last week and remembering plans we made, but it is a black hole for useless random trivia. I don't know how I know all that stuff. For some reason useless information gets sucked in and stays forever. I did win one out of the three arcade races we had. Losing out on one because Brooke decided that it would be a good idea to run into the wall and crash right in front of me on the last lap. Where Raina has my number is on a Pacman battle game. She took out the rest of us a few times. The best game of the whole night, was a four way air hockey table. That thing was awesome and crazy at the same time. Having to watch out in all directions. Raina, Brent, Brandon and I went on a battle royale, losing to Brent. Then Brooke took over for the person who went out first from that round, which happened to be Brandon, on another epic battle of air hockey. There was bruised knuckles and bruised egos. One person getting cheated out by his own wife. That person being me. There were two discs a ails me and twice while I was reaching for one that went on the floor or getting it out of the slot, Raina took advantage of me while I was unprepared. Scoring on me twice. The last one was the killer blow that took me out of the round. Cheated by my own wife, just because she didn't want to be the first one out. Can you believe it? Thanks babe. You're lucky I love you so much. Great fun with great friends. I had a blast. Can't wait to do it again.

This Day In History: 1980
English musician John Lennon, former member of The Beatles, is shot and killed by an obsessed fan in New York City.

Born This Day: 1925
Sammy Davis Jr. - American entertainer, dancer and singer.

"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
-Noam Chomsky

Our Day.
On the roof to put up the lights.

Concentrating on not dropping the blocks.

Living out a dream. Flying a Naboo Starfighter.

She can't break concentration.

Sweet photo on Mario Kart.

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