Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day Three Hundred Forty Seven

Dear Readers,
      I don't know what is going on with me this last week.  I have been more tired then usual since last Friday.  Having a hard time getting up in the morning.  Getting tired sooner then normal.  I am ready to crash out at 10:00PM.  Normally I don't have a problem staying up until 11:00PM or 12:00PM and get up just before 5:00AM.  Like I have said though, I have been feeling out of sync.  I don't know why though.  It has made it extremely difficult to finish my blog each night.  It was so bad that Raina did my blog for me the other night, because I was nodding off while trying to type it up.  Then there was last night's which I am now catching up on, because I couldn't stay awake last night either.  It has been like clockwork.  10:00PM rolled around, and I immediately got very drowsy and nodded off before I was able to even come close to finishing.  So, before 10:00PM shows up tonight, I need to hurry up and finish two blogs.  I don't think I will be lucky enough to have Raina do two for me in one week.
      Part of me feels that my day is filled with nothing very exciting. I think that if I lived an interesting life everyday, then it would be easy for me to come up with topics. Especially lately, coming up with topics for discussion or stories that are interesting are getting hard to come by.  There are probably great stories from my past that I would love to tell, if I could only remember them.  I feel like I used all my good topics up and am scrounging for scraps at this point.  So here I am, talking about not having anything to talk about.  I have nineteen blogs left to do.  Nineteen different things to talk about.  An update on our trip to Europe possibly.  Definitely a review on The Hobbit after I hopefully see it this weekend.  Maybe I'll talk about Disneyland, even though it has been almost a year and a half since we have been there.  At least Christmas will give me something to talk about for a couple of days.  There is always something interesting when the whole family comes over.  Especially when you get the three nephews over the house and all sugared up.  Running round and round the house in circles all day long.  I know one thing for sure, my last blog before cutting the beard off, will be a depression blog.  I can feel the mood already starting to set in.  Here is to finishing out the year on a strong note.

This Day In History: 1913
Two years after it was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece The Mona Lisa is recovered inside Italian waiter Vincenzo Peruggia's hotel room in Florence.  Peruggia had previously worked at the Louvre and had participated in the heist with a group of accomplices dressed as janitors.

Born This Day:1915
Frank Sinatra - American singer and actor.

"It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves."
-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Where do I get this Dr. Seuss book at?

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