Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day Three Hundred Forty Four

Dear Readers,
      Christmas decorating, day two.  This time at my parents house.  Which is actually mine and Raina's house as well.  I went to church this morning, followed promptly with a trip to the Christmas tree farm.  The same place we have gone to for the past four or five years now.  They used to be close by, but they had to move since the old place wouldn't let them use the land anymore.  Now we travel about thirty minutes away, just for a Christmas tree.  They are the best trees we have found though.  Great service and great trees.  Big, tall, fat, non-dry trees.  No brown spots from being in the sun for too long.  They aren't the cheapest, but you get a much better quality tree for paying a little more money then we would be paying at a more local place.  Besides, I am a firm believer of being loyal to those who are good to you.  I have never had a complaint about this place, other then it being expensive.  Still worth the money.  My mom is very specific about the kind of tree she allows in her house.  It has to be tall, fat, and full.  No bare spots and no skinny trees.  It has to be enough to hold all of my mom's million ornaments.  Give or take a few.  The only problem with such a big tree, is getting it stood up and getting it straight.  It takes four people.  My dad and myself down below to tighten the screws, my brother in law Matt to hold it up and maneuver it right or left, and a spotter.  Which actually was two people, my mom and sister Melissa.  It is always an adventure.  After finally getting the tree up, it became a big debate on whether to put up colored lights or white lights.  My sisters prefer to be all fancy shmancy and want boring white lights.  While myself and Raina are the more festive type and want colored lights to really get into the spirit of Christmas.  Colored lights are so much better.  Even leaving a nice afterglow of colors on the walls when you turn the lights out.  White lights are just completely boring.  Why only have one color, which actually isn't a color at all, when you can have five different colors on one tree?  After putting all the colored lights on, since I got my way, by force if had to.  I figured I get a say, since I now live here.  Colored lights it is, and now the nephews are being put to work.  Putting up ornament after ornament.  Running back and forth with ornaments in hand for each trip.  It is a long night of keeping kids in order, putting up a tree and decorating all over.  It probably won't be finished until the end of the week.  You gotta love Christmas time.

This Day In History: 1993
Astronauts aboard the space shuttle Endeavor completed repairs to the Hubble Space Telescope.

Born This Day:1916
Kirk Douglas - American stage and film actor.

"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it."
- Lou Holtz

Christmas decorating, again.
Christmas tree overload.

The best tree lot.

And it only has a tenth of the ornaments up.

Let there be lights! (Colored lights)

Child slave labor.

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