Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day Three Hundred Forty

Dear Readers,
      You know what Christmas time means?  It means Christmas lights and Christmas trees and Christmas ornaments. Which I love to look at. Putting them up and decorating myself? Not so much. This is probably the thing that Raina is bugged by most about me. She loves Christmas like no one else I know. She would spend the whole season decorating and buying gifts if she could. I am pretty sure that as soon as all the left overs from Thanksgiving are put in the fridge, she is ready to get that Christmas tree. Ready to decorate the house. And if we could, she would decorate the outside of our home. Me, I would rather do about a million things. About the only thing I actually enjoy doing, is going around looking at Christmas lights and picking up the Christmas tree. For as long as I can remember, I went with my sad to pick up the fattest tree possible that would fit in our living room. My mom was very specific about it having to be fat and full. No bare spots and no thin trees. So, picking out good Christmas trees became a tradition and kind of an art form for me. Eventually my dad stopped going with me and it was my responsibility. Even after moving out. One year, early on in mine and Raina's relationship, I bought a tree for her home. She had gone to Texas to visit family and they were not planning on getting a tree or decorating because they were going to be gone during most of the holiday and coming back just before or after Christmas. Pardon my poor memory. So, me still being in the wooing stage of our relationship, got some people together to help me get a tree and decorate the inside of the house. So that they would be surprised when they got home. I knew she loved Christmas and had been disappointed about not having a tree. Besides, I thought it might score points with the family. There was only one flaw with my plan. I don't remember how it happened, but we ended up in a fight just before she got home. Probably because I said or did something stupid to cause it and was too stubborn to acknowledge it. Either way, I didn't get the thankful and happy response that I expected. I got no response until the day after or two days after. My point being that ever since then, I think, I have also helped Raina's family get their tree every year as well. Always trying to find the best tree available. Here we are, and Christmas tree time is here. Time for me to get a couple of trees. Starting this Friday. Hopefully just trees though. Leave the decorating to everyone else. The lights I will do. I always do the lights on the tree. Have to keep with tradition. Merry Christmas everyone.

This Day In History: 1945
Five U.S. Navy torpedo planes take off from Florida on a routine mission over an area of the Atlantic known as the Bermuda Triangle.  After reporting instrument failures and radio difficulties, the planes vanished.  The story cemented the legend of the Bermuda Triangle as an area where ships and aircraft disappear without a trace.

Born This Day: 1901
Walt Disney - American cartoonist, producer, and creator of Mickey Mouse, Disneyland, Walt Disney World, and many animated feature films.

"Fancy being remembered around the world for the invention of a mouse!"
-Walt Disney

Poor Dopey, can't grow a beard.

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