Friday, December 7, 2012

Day Three Hundred Forty Two

Dear Readers,
      It was a long day of work today.  For all those people who give me a hard time about all the time I take off of work, I had one of those days to make up for my days off.  Besides, if I have the vacation time, what is the problem with me using it?  It was supposed to be a simple job.  One that was at our own yard, so we didn't have to worry about traffic control, transporting material back and forth, or having to leave the job to use the restroom.  It was just going to be time consuming because of all the installation that needed to be done.  Well, it didn't really work out that way.  We had a problem of too many chiefs with too many ideas on how to do it, without consulting or explaining to the guys who are going to actually do the work.  We had the wrong size hole cut out of the asphalt, we could have saved ourselves tons of digging and hauling off material, saved ourselves on back filling, wrong parts, and wrong size on top of it all.  We could have saved on strain and heavy lifting, just by paying attention to what was already in the ground.  It was a problem of assumption and too many people making decisions on how it was to be done.  None of them really agreeing with each other either.  We had to get a new part at the last minute and thankfully one was found semi close.  My boss ended up picking it up for us on his day off and drove it to our job for us.  It was a big mess of a job, but we made it work and got it done.  Even though it took probably five or six hours longer then it should have.  Poor management of a job if you ask me.  They should have just given the job over to the guys you were going to actually have install it.  Let them do their own prep work and material gathering.  That way they can have everything they need and will know it, instead of relying on somebody else.  Also, if there would have been anything wrong, then it would have been their own fault.  It probably won't change though.  Just the way things seem to work at the city.  Someday it might improve.  At least I hope.

This Day In History: 1941
Pearl Harbor, located on the Hawaiian island of Oahu was attacked by nearly 200 Japanese warplanes. The attack resulted in the U.S. entering into World War II.

Born This Day: 1947
Johnny Bench - Hall of Fame baseball player. Catcher for the Reds.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."
-Samuel Johnson

Big hole and big work.  I'm beat.

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