Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day Three Hundred Sixty Four

Dear Readers,
     Wow, what a day. It started out as a lazy day. The rain changed our plans and made both Raina and I crave for a day curled up under the blankets with a good book. We had planned to go for a run, but as soon as we were about ready to go, the downpour showed up. It was perfect timing for Raina, because she was trying to convince me to stay in bed with her. She wasn't ready to leave the warmth just yet. So, she got her wish. I changed back into pajamas and curled up. It didn't last long though. Between Raina wanting breakfast and my two nephews being over the house, I didn't get much rest. I made a Mexican American breakfast of potatoes and refried beans. With a stack of tortillas of course. Just the way Raina and I like it. After breakfast and getting the kids playing something to keep them occupied, I though I would finally get my chance to warm up under the blankets and bust out my kindle to finish The Hobbit. Just as I started to warm up, Raina was getting ready to leave, to take Micah to get a haircut. It has been forever since his last one and my sister, Yoli, had been dreading taking him, because it is a huge ordeal to take him without him having a meltdown. So Raina agreed to go with her. I liked his long hair and didn't want them to cut it. They hated it though. Now he hardly has any hair. Like he just finished his basic training for the Marines or something. Poor kid. Back to my point though. Raina ditched me just when I thought it was going to be a nice lazy day at home together. Brandon timed his phone call to me just right too. He had called to ask if I wanted to go with him and Brooke to visit her grandfather. You see he has an awesome wooodshop in his garage and I have been wanting to check it out. If Brandon had called about twenty minutes earlier, I might have said no, but since I was getting ditched, I figured why not. So I got out of the warmth of my bed to get ready in the cold world. Then waited for my ride.
      Brooke's grandfather is an awesome woodsmith. I was not disappointed with my trip over there. He is an old man but still putts around in the woodshop. I think they said 93. That's pretty amazing in and of itself. Then I got to see some of his works of art. Beautiful wood jars and bowls and an assortment of furniture items. End tables and cabinets and even grandmother clocks. Everything was so precise and detailed and finished beautifully. My favorite pieces had to be his boxes he made for jewelry and mail and other things. Some of the wood was spectacular and was finished so nicely you could almost mistake it for polished marble. It was awesome. The best part about touring his house was the stories. Everything had a story to it and was done by himself. And this is just a hobby for him. I love that all the furniture had a story to it. It means so much more then when you go pick it up at your local department store. I had a great time. I thank Brooke for sharing her grandfather with me even though it is just a little bit of him. It was even great to hear him give Brooke a hard time about things too. She had a habit of asking how old everything was and eventually he told her he can't remember how old everything was. Telling her "What kind of a question is that?". It was awesome. Brandon and I weren't the only ones picking on her. It just earned him an even more special place in my heart.
      So, even though I had to get out of my comfortable bed and see the light of day when I didn't want to, I'm glad I did. It turned into a pretty great day.

This Day In History: 1607
After listening to the pleas of his daughter, Pocahontas, Chief Powhatan of Virginia spares the life of English settler John Smith.

Born This Day: 1800
Charles Goodyear - American inventor of vulcanized rubber.

"It's very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners.  Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit."
-George Sheehan

Preach it Calvin!

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