Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day Three Hundred Fifty One

Dear Readers,
      This year, I got an early Christmas present from work. I had been debating talking about it, because I didn't want to sound like a tool talking about myself in this manner. Then I realized, all I do is talk about myself. It's pretty much the point of this blog. Most people are more apprised to what is going on with me because of this thing. Which has actually had me considering keeping up the blog even after the year is up. Not every day though. It is a lot of work to keep this up on a daily basis. Makes me glad I never decided I wanted to become a journalist or something like that. Back to my point. I have been working at getting myself in better position for a promotion at work for a little over a year and a half. Almost two years actually. The position has been open for that long. They delayed and delayed for one excuse after another to fill that position. Finally they delayed so long that the economy really started hurting the city to the point of them having to freeze the position. So then they couldn't even hire now that they were ready to. It was pretty frustrating for myself and for a couple of other guys I'm sure, because in the meantime you had guys doing the work that this position would be hired for and not getting paid for it. It can be frustrating and a little discouraging. This has gone on for almost two years. They had a way to increase your pay on a daily basis, but there were certain requirements that had to be met each day you get it. Making it difficult to accomplish on your own. It was a matter of getting the boss to have you do a certain job on a daily basis. Pretty much a luck of the draw each day. Unfortunately for me, it has only happened a handful of times in the last nine months or so. Now comes the good part though. Without my knowledge, my boss had put in for me to get Acting Pay in the meantime, until the position can be filled. Apparently he put in for it back in October. I ended up finding out about it because of another position had become available. I didn't go in saying that they needed to give me a raise or I was gone. I went in to see how realistic an opening for the position I wanted would be happening in the relative future. The position that did open would still have been an increase for me, so I was definitely considering it. It wasn't what I particularly wanted to do, but with Raina and I getting ready to buy a house and planning a trip to Paris, every little bit helps. When I had gone in to see my boss about it, that is when they told me the form had been turned in and were waiting on Human Resources for the okay. That was enough for me to drop the idea of applying for that other position. I could get a raise and still do the work that I enjoy, it was a win win for me. It didn't take long after that. They notified me a few days later that it had gone through and now I got my semi promotion. It is a great feeling after almost two years of chasing that carrot. It's more responsibility, but I am looking forward to it. Maybe it will even improve my situation of certain guys I have to work with on a daily basis. Things are going to change for the new year. Only one week of work left and then the Christmas break. Looking forward to all of it.

This Day In History: 1915
German physicist Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is first published.

Born This Day:  1770
Ludwig Van Beethoven - German composer and pianist.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
-George Santayana

Huh, makes me want to stop aging.

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