Monday, December 3, 2012

Day Three Hundred Thirty Seven

Dear Readers,
     I forgot to share one thing about the Spartan Race with all of you.  Somebody cheated a little during the race.  I should say, somebodies.  I don't necessarily like being a whistle blower, but it makes for something for me to talk about.  During the race, if there was any obstacle you couldn't complete, then you had to do thirty burpees.  And you only get one chance to complete each obstacle.  If you don't know what a burpee is, you start in a standing position, squat, put your hands on the ground, kick your feet out to get into push up position, then bring your feet back in, and then jump as high as you can from the squat position.  That is one, and you have to do it thirty times.  I was fortunate enough to only have to do thirty burpees once.  I slipped off while trying to spider man wall climb across a wall with small pieces of 2x4 for footholds and handholds.  The burpees were not fun at all, but they still did not compare with the mud crawl under the barbed wire. Well, a couple of us did not finish all their burpees during the race.  By couple of us, I mean Jeremiah and Brandon.  So, officially they still have yet to finish the race.  The first obstacle they failed, they did all their burpees.  The second obstacle, which was the same one I failed, they did about twenty.  The last obstacle they failed, which was a spear throw that you had to stick into a hay bale about thirty to forty feet away, they didn't even attempt to do them.  Complete disregard for the rules.  They said they would do them eventually, but I have yet to see it yet.  Who knows if we will ever see it.  So, if you see either of them, congratulate them on almost finishing the race.  They struggled and fought to almost finish it.  It will be fun to give them a hard time about it.

This Day In History: 1901
American inventor King Camp Gillette patents the disposable safety razor.

Born This Day: 1837
Doctor Joseph Bell - Scottish physician held to be the model on which Sir Arthur Conan Doyle based Sherlock Holmes.

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."
-Harry Truman


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