Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day Three Hundred Sixty Two

Dear Readers,
      Okay, our European vacation is becoming even more of a reality.  The hotel rooms are booked for London and Paris.  Next on the agenda, is to book our hotel for our one night excursion to the beaches of Normandy and to book our rental car.  Yes, we will be driving around in France for a day.  Trying to figure out how to drive around the country a little bit.  I have heard that France drives on the same side of the street as us here in America.  I didn't know that.  I am pretty sure that the cars may still have the drivers drive on the opposite side of the car though.  I won't know for sure until we get out there.  Just another adventure we will be working through.  It just adds to the excitement and fun, even though it looks like we may end up driving around a tiny Fiat.  As long as it gets us from point A to point B.  Right?
      I went back to work today for a little bit of overtime.  It was probably one of my easiest days at work in a really long time.  Working basically as an inspector while the contractor does all the hard work.  I had to keep them in line.  Not really, I just had to make sure they got the proper parts and shut the water off for them to be able to do their work.  Pretty boring stuff, but it gave me a chance to read some of my book, The Hobbit.  Just trying to take advantage of any free time I can find.  Including trying to get this blog done without falling asleep.  Which I have already done a couple of times tonight.  My point is, I spent some time sitting in the work truck today and I get more of the same tomorrow.  Taking my book with me.  Maybe I will even start my blog up while sitting there.  I am hoping for an early day, so that I can come home to Raina quickly.  Get to spend a little time with her.  She says she wants to make dinner tomorrow, and I am all for it.  She's gonna pull out the Dutch Oven and cook up a pot roast.  Yum.  Looking forward to a wonderful night in with my beautiful bride.

This Day In History: 1968
U.S. Apollo 8, the first manned mission to the moon, returns safely to Earth after a historic six day journey.

Born This Day: 1822
Louis Pasteur - French scientist who discovered that most diseases are caused by germs and who developed the pasteurization process.

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another."
-Walter Elliot

How cool is that?  Droids in Egyptian history.

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