Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day Three Hundred Fifty Four

Dear Readers,
      Okay, the reason my blog was not done last night as it should have been, was because the dog ate my homework.  No, just kidding.  The power went out.  Seriously, the power went out.  Which meant I had no internet for my computer.  Ergo, no blog uploaded.  We got home from our festival of lights and my dad started talking to Raina.  Asking if we had a flashlight handy, because the power had gone out a couple of times while we were gone.  No sooner did he finish saying that sentence, then the power went out in the house.  It must have been the strong winds we were having last night.  Possibly knocking over a power pole or something.  So, instead of turning on my laptop, I put myself and my nauseated stomach in bed.  Looking to read a chapter of The Hobbit before falling asleep.  The power ended up turning back on, but by the time it did, I was already warm in bed, just about ready to fall asleep.  Otherwise it would have been done last night.  Thankfully, no power outages today. 
      After finally normalizing after about noon, I did some Christmas shopping.  Hoping to beat some of the crowds by going in the middle of the day during the week.  Unfortunately I was not able to find anything for the people I was looking for.  I walked the mall back and forth and couldn't figure out anything.  I picked up a couple of items we had specifically picked out somewhere else, but nothing at the mall for almost two hours.  Usually our first choice for people we don't know what to get, is a gift card.  This year we are anti gift card though.  Tired of the same boring gift every year.  We are forcing ourselves to find something for just about everyone.  If we are getting someone a gift card, it is for a specific reason and it isn't the only thing we are getting them.  It has made it a bit frustrating and sometimes an adventure to find a gift that is right for each person.  Hoping to finish all our shopping by Friday.  Only two days left.  Then we have to wrap everything.  Christmas can be so much work.  Hopefully the faces of the gift receivers when the open them will make it all worth it.  Hopefully.

This Day In History: 1905
The first motorized ambulance service for traffic victims is created in London, England.

Born This Day: 1790
Sir William Parry - English Admiral and arctic explorer.

"The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it."
-Franklin P. Jones


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