Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day Three Hundred Forty Six

Dear Readers,
 Tonight's blog comes from the wife,

There is 20 days and counting for the beard to be gone.  Part of me is a bit sad to see it go.  Not because I love to look at it or touch it or feel random hairs in my mouth or up my nose..but because of how much the beard has come to mean to David.  I have never, in the 14 years of being with him, seen him care about something as much as he cares about his beard.  He shampoos it, conditions it, combs it not with 1 but with 2 different combs, he plays with it, twists it, etc. And by the way he does not use cheap conditioner either.  He has managed to go through 2 bottles of conditioner in the time it has taken me to go through one. Any way I digress.  The part of me that loves him feels sad for him to loose something that he has cared for and longed for for so long.  The Beard has allowed him to meet new friends. It has made him more out going and open about his thoughts and feelings.  David is typically a shy person.  He normally doesn't open up to many people and for the past year the rest of the world has been able to see how smart and funny and fun he is.  My cousin and often a blog reader Lorinda..or Lori as she is better known as, lives in Texas.  She is married to Jacob whom David has only meet once for a brief moment at our wedding.  His beard has opened up the doors for David and Jacob to become friends of sort.  David recently made a comment that Jacob is a great guy.  And I love that he knows that about him because of this blog and joining facebook for the blog. Men always come up to him no matter where we are and comment on what an amazing beard he has. 

But.....the part of me who misses my Handsome good looking husband that I married and adored (I guess the shallow part..ha) wants the beard GONE. David is one good looking guy under all that hair and I can not wait to see what his face looks like...or what it feels like to kiss him without trying to maneuver around the stache. So I am at a crossroads do I let him keep it because I know how much it means to him and trust me I do not want to be a dream killer...or do I make him Honor his promise to me and to the rest of his readers that he would shave by the end of the year?  Who knew that I would dedicate a year of my life and have so many conversations over facial hair.

This Day In History: 1972
U.S. Apollo 17 lands on the moon's surface for a three day exploration.  It was the final Apollo mission to the moon.

Born This Day: 1843
Robert Koch - German Nobel prize winning scientist who developed  the method for culturing bacteria.

"The best safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it."
-Dudley Moore

This thing is so awesome. If only it were real.

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