Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day Three Hundred Fifty

Dear Readers,
      What is with the violence lately?  Another shooting at a school?  It is a sad sad thing and my prayers go towards the families affected by it.  Events like this bring to light all the people who are looking for change.  Change in securities, change in how a school is run, change to what is restricted and unrestricted.  I don't want to minimize what has happened, but every time something like this happens, it brings out the people who demand for more and more gun control and more governmental control over all sorts of things.  I am of the mind that more control just means more problems.  Why do people think that making it harder to buy a gun will make it that much better at keeping these kinds of things from happening.  Just look at this scenario.  The guns were registered to the kids mother.  It was a simple matter of grabbing the guns from under his mom's nose.  I am almost of the mind to agree with what the whole state of Texas believes in.  That the more guns owned, the better.  You never hear about these kinds of things happening in Texas.  If it did, then somebody probably would have had a gun on them and put a stop to it before it got too bad.  I don't know for sure if that is how it would have happened, but I would like to think so.  Again, I am not trying to diminish the tragedy that has happened, I am just trying to lay out the facts and prepare for the uproar that follows something like this.  It is on every news channel.  It is all they want to talk about.  It continues too.  Even tonight, in Newport Beach, there was a crazy guy shooting a gun into the night sky of the parking lot at Fashion Island.  What is this world coming too?  At least no one was killed this time.  I implore you to keep  those families in prayer and to not be too hasty on jumping on the bandwagon to increase gun control and give even more power to the government.

This Day In History: 1791
Following ratification by the state of Virginia, the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, known collectively as the Bill of Rights, become the law of the land.

Born This Day: 1892
J. Paul Getty - American oil magnate who founded Getty Oil and was once the richest man in the world.

"There's so much pollution in the air now that if if weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all."
-Robert Orben

I caught Raina playing video games with the nephews.

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