Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day Three Hundred Thirty Nine

Dear Readers,
      Just over a week from now and another great movie will be here to enjoy.  Probably the one I have looked forward to most this year other than The Avengers.  Yes, I am talking about the Hobbit.  Ever since the Lord of the Rings movies came out, I wanted more.  Those movies were so great that I wanted Peter Jackson to bring more of Tolkien's stories to life.Tolkien created an amazing world of fantasy and adventure.  Even creating whole languages to compliment this world.  That is how detailed he was.  Could you imagine creating a whole new language, just for a story?  The detail and depth of these stories are amazing and Peter Jackson works wonders bringing them to life on the silver screen.   I can't wait to see what he does with this movie.  Then there is the plan for him to make a total of three movies.  A whole other trilogy of stories from Middle Earth.  Dwarves and Elves and Hobbits and Orcs and sword fighting and wizardry.  I can't wait.  It has even inspired me to reread The Hobbit book before the movie comes out.  I just started it and I am already a third of the way through it.  I forgot how much I enjoyed these books, and to think, I haven't even read all of Tolkien's books.  There are more books that I can delve into.  Going right back into that fact that I have too many books to read in too little time.  I add more books to my reading list faster then I can read them.  Bottom line, I can't wait for this movie to come out and it may be the first time I go see a movie for the midnight showing in a really long time.  The last movie I saw for midnight was actually the last Transformers movie and the only reason we did that is because we actually found a showing at 10:00PM instead of midnight.  Which worked out in our favor because it wasn't busy.  Especially not as busy as the midnight showing line we walked out to see.  It was awesome.  Maybe we can find the same thing this time around.  I am not counting on it though.

This Day In History: 1872
The Dei Gratia, a small British brig under Captain David Morehouse, spots the Mary Celeste, an American vessel, sailing erratically but at full sail near the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean.  The ship was seaworthy, its stores and supplies were untouched, but not a soul was onboard.  The crew was never found and the reason for the ship's abandonment has never been determined.

Born This Day: 1912
Pappy (Gregory) Boyington - American aviator and Congressional Medal of Honor recipient who led the Black Sheep Squadron during World War II.

"Not what I have, but what I do is my kingdom."
-Thomas Carlyle

This seems to fit.

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