Monday, December 24, 2012

Day Three Hundred Fifty Eight

Dear Readers,
      Wouldn't you know that I am catching up again.  Hopefully I will get two done in one day to finally catch up once and for all.  It was another hectic day yesterday.  Getting up early in the morning to take Chuck and Lisa to the airport.  It left some free time for Raina and I to go to breakfast before church.  Trying out a new place in Huntington Beach called Sunnyside.  Just a little coffeeshop next to the Hobby Lobby.  A little place for Raina and I to sit and relax a little bit while filling up our tummies.
      After breakfast, it was a Christmas service with a story about the birth of Jesus.  Then it was off to the hectic shopping centers.  Trying to find a gift for my dad and also to pick one up for Raina.  Originally, Raina was supposed to work and I figured I would have time to pick up her gift while she was working.  She ended up taking it off to go to church with me.  Which was great to actually be able to go to church with her, but I now needed to find a time to get her gift without her seeing it.  So, I dropped her off to do some shopping at the Westminster Mall while I went to pick her gift up. I had to stuff it under the seat along with the bag it came in.  We had to battle mild crowds to find something for my dad.  We got him something from Sears.  I can tell you that much because he doesn't read the blog.  I can also tell you that the Sears at Westminster Mall did not carry what we were looking for.  It was the only one in the area that didn't carry it.  So we had to either go to the Cerritos Mall or the Sears in Long Beach.  Thankfully, we decided to head to Long Beach, because we later found out that the Cerritos Mall was so busy that Police officers were directing traffic from a half a mile away.  We saw a taste of it while driving by on the freeway.  The entire parking lot was completely full of cars and there was cars lined up down the street.  Long Beach was considerably less busy and we were in and out. 
      Our busy day didn't stop there.  We then went to Raina's dad's house to celebrate Christmas.  Dinner and drinks and presents.  Hanging out with Mark and Nancy and Raina's brothers and their families.  It was another night of laughing and joking and fun family time.  I got a sweet Yoda doll for Christmas.  It even talks.  Including my favorite Yoda line, "Do, or do not. There is no try."  A perfect gift for me.  It was an awesome start to our three day Christmas tour.  Starting with Raina's dad's house, then on to my families and then to Raina's mom's house.  Three days of Christmas.  The more the better, right?

This Day In History: 1888
Following a quarrel with Paul Gauguin, Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh cut off part of his own earlobe.

Born This Day: 1964
Eddie Vedder - Pearl Jam

"Laughing at our own mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else's can shorten it."
-Cullen Hightower

So sad.

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