Monday, December 3, 2012

Day Three Hundred Thirty Eight

Dear Readers,
     Well, the Christmas season is officially here. Raina and I went to our first Christmas party of the month. It was the annual Vargas white elephant Christmas party. We have done it for the last four or five years. My memory is terrible. We always do a white elephant gift exchange too. Usually just finding something we lying around the house we were looking to get rid of anyways. This year we got rid of an old cookbook, this years ESPN fantasy football magazine, the free supplements and bag from the Spartan Race, and a bottle of champagne. The bottle of champagne was an added incentive to get people to actually want our gift. This year I got stuck with a VHS of Honey I Shrunk the Kids while Raina ended up with a book about Paris Hilton. The winner of the whole night though, was Micah Vargas who got stuck with the annual gift that has been passed around for four years now. A box set of VHS tapes about Native Americans that was originally brought by Chris Jones. The first year, Brooke got stuck with them and she saved them all year just to bring them back, and wouldn't you know, Chris got them right back. So now he saved them for another year to see Micah get the prize of the year. I wonder if it will keep getting passed around or if somebody will actually take them out of the box and watch them. For all we know, they could be interesting documentaries. Somehow, I doubt it though. Another great gift, was the one Chris Jones was left with. He ended up with the very last gift. As a preface, Chris is a diehard Oakland A's fan and he ended up with a treasure trove of Dodger perephenillia. Pens and pencils and all kinds of goodies. His son was very excited about it, even though it looked as though Chris was ready to take the whole bag and toss it into the fireplace. There was also some Lakers stuff in there and he hates the Lakers. It was the perfect gift for him to get stuck with.
      Probably my favorite part of the night though, was watching my nephew Micah find a tray of small cookies and chocolate treats, only to grab about half of them one at a time and take a bite or lick them and then place them back onto the tray. I wasn't going to say anything. I was getting a kick out of it. Then, Chris Jones younger son, Gavin, must have seen Micah and took a cue from him. He followed suit and stuffed his face full of chocolate. Even double fisting it at times. I think he got away with about five pieces before finally getting caught. Kids can be great entertainment. Especially for somebody like me who doesn't have to worry about any kids of my own yet. Until then, it is pure entertainment. Looking forward to many more of those moments.

This Day In History: 1586
Potatoes are introduced to England by Sir Thomas Herriot by way of Colombia.

Born This Day: 1930
Andy Williams - American singer
???? - Chuck Vargas (Life long friend)

"The Highest proof of virtue is to possess boundless power without abusing it."
-Lord Macaulay

Backwoodsman beard.

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