Monday, December 17, 2012

Day Three Hundred Fifty Two

Dear Readers,
      Last night we celebrated my sister in law, Yvonne's, birthday. For those of you who don't know her, she is married to Raina's brother, Brent. For Raina, yesterday was a full day. Working at Buffalo Wild Wing's in the morning, heading home to change real quick and head to a birthday party for my bearded brother's daughter's birthday party. It is my co worker Josh. He also rocks an awesome beard. We stopped by there for a couple of hours to hang out, wish a happy birthday, give a gift and eat some cake. Then it was off to San Dimas for dinner for Yvonne. A big family dinner at Cask and Cleaver. It is always entertaining when you get Raina's family together. You also get to catch up on all the current events for everyone. Including our niece Brenna becoming the Head Cheerleading Coach at my alma mater. Hearing about Jeremiah finishing up his first semester at Point Loma. Even McKenna telling us about the fire that just happened at her school on Friday. Yup, a fire. Apparently they had an electrical fire at the school that caused some damage and took out the electricity on the high school campus side. They had to send all the kids home. Including my other niece, Kailee. Nieces and a nephew from both sides of our family going or have gone to my old alma mater. I thought I would be rid of that place by now, but all these family members still going there keeps me with ties to that school. I can't shake that place. Well, at least for another ten years or so. Here I go again getting off subject. I guess I never really had a subject. I was just trying to show how busy my wife was yesterday. She sounded pretty tired last night. Why wouldn't she be after the day she had. Nonstop all day. If it keeps up being this bad for her, I may force her to take some days off pretty soon. At least get a little break every once and a while. Poor thing. I just love her.
      I also happen to have my last class of the semester tonight. Final time. Hopefully my non studying all week was enough studying to help me out. I love finals though. Just go in and take your test. Then walk out when you're done. Awesome. No chance for me to fall asleep in class this week. I'll just have to spen that hour before getting a little cramming in. Only about two hours or so left.

This Day In History: 1903
Near Kitty Hark, North Carolina, American inventors Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first successful flight of a self propelled, heavier than air aircraft.

Born This Day: 1807
John Greenleaf Whittier - American Quaker and antislavery activist and poet.

"I think we have a need to know what we do not need to know."
-William Safire

Ha ha.

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