Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day Three Hundred Fifty Seven

Dear Readers,
     Okay, I am getting really bad at doing my blog on schedule. Here I am trying to catch up again. It is reminding me of high school all over again. Big time senioritis. I'm at the very end of my year of blogging and I am getting really lazy about it. Part of it is being really busy this Christmas season, but it's not a real excuse. There have been enough opportunities for me to get them done on time. It totally is like high school though. That last year was pretty bad for me. Not necessarily doing bad at school, but giving up any extra classes I could have had. Fully enjoying only taking five classes for one semester and finishing out with only four classes. Just enjoying the moment and not making it any harder on myself then it needed to be. I feel myself being ready to be done with this blogging on a daily basis stuff. I am pretty sure I will keep it up, but not nearly as frequently. Maybe once or twice a month. I enjoy it. On my own terms that is. Doing in when there is something interesting to talk about. Not trying to come up with something everyday. At least that way I won't be talking about complete randomness and nothingness. My blog is like Seinfeld, it's about nothing. Except not as entertaining as Seinfeld was. I just have to really be disciplined for ten more blogs. I can do this. I would hate to drop the ball when I am so close to the end. So, here I go again, fighting against my desire to give up and not work at it anymore. Thanks again to all of you who read this nothingness on a regular basis. I really appreciate all the feedback and support I have gotten through the year. It has been fun.

This Day In History: 1882
American inventor Thomas Edison's associate, Edward H. Johnson, creates the first string of Christmas lights.  Prior to this, trees were traditionally decorated with wax candles.

Born This Day: 1962
Ralph Fiennes - English actor (Schindler's List)

"The first lady is, and always has been, an unpaid public servant elected by one person, her husband."
-Lady Bird Johnson


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