Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day Two Hundred Seventy Four

Dear Readers,
      The sports teams are looking good this weekend.  Oregon Ducks romped the Cougars in the second half.  My 49ers made the Jets look pathetic in today's match up.  Which was nice after the way they blew it last weekend.  And my Dodgers are on a five game winning streak for the first time in about three or four months.  If only St. Louis would lose a couple of games and help them out.  It is really starting to look like too little too late for the Dodgers.  Unless the Cardinals get with the program, then it is all going to be for naught for the Dodgers.  Either way, it is nice to see all the teams in win mode this weekend.  Now I just need my fantasy football teams to follow suit and it will be the exclamation point to the weekend.  Speaking of the Dodgers though, I saw the preview for the upcoming Jackie Robinson movie, 42.  What a great movie that could potentially be.  I am really hoping they do a good job with it and make it what it could be.  There is nothing worse than going to see a movie, coming out, and thinking of how it could of been so much better.  Especially with movies these days.  It is really rare when a movie fulfills all it's potential these days.  They are all too worried about pumping movies out quicker to hurry up and make a quick buck.  Instead, they should be making quality movies to make it worth our while to spend the money to go see them in the theater.  Especially considering how much going to see a movie in the theaters is now.  Raina and I went to see The Trouble With The Curve today, and it cost us like $22.00.  We missed out on matinee prices by fifteen minutes.  By the way, if you are wondering, the movie was entertaining to see once.  I don't think I would buy it or care to see it again, but to see once I would say it was worth it.  It would have been more worth it to rent it or wait for a Tuesday night and see it for $6.00 at the theater in the Cerritos Mall.  Movies are so expensive these days that it would be more worth it to wait for it to come out on blu-ray and buy it.  If it came out for $19.99, we could have saved a couple of bucks, and then we could have sold it and saved even more if we didn't want to keep it.  I wouldn't do that for some movies though, because there really isn't a comparison to seeing a movie in the theater.  That giant screen and eardrum exploding sound.  Action flicks just wouldn't be the same on the small screen.  It is just a matter of preference, and knowing which movies will be that much better in the theater.  Just like The Avengers.  That was worth every penny, seeing that in the theater.  The movie we saw today, I probably could have waited until it came out on blu-ray.  Well, enough ranting for one day.  Maybe I will catch a little of the night football game now.  Then get ready for bed and a start to another week at work.  Boo.

This Day In History: 1955
American actor James Dean is killed in an automobile accident, along with his mechanic, Rolf Wutherich.

Born This Day: 1861
William Wrigley Jr. - American chewing gum tycoon.

"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."
-Katherine Hepburn

I think Donald Trump got a hold of him.

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