Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day Two Hundred Fifty

Dear Readers,
      Today at work, I became the local bookie.  I got requests from three different guys to take their money and place a bet for them.  One guy was putting his money on the Cowboys to win the whole thing this year.  I told him that they would love his money and would accept it gladly.  Inferring that the Cowboys were a lousy team that has won only one playoff game in the last sixteen years.  He didn't like that much, but he just happens to be a fan of the pro football team that I dislike almost more than any other pro team.  The next guy wanted a bet for the 49ers to win the Super Bowl this year.  That guy is a smart man and will probably be hated in Nevada for his bet, because they know that they will probably have to pay that one out at the end of the season.  At least I am hoping that is the case.  The last guy gave me some money to bet on whatever I felt would be the best bet for him.  Something that I am probably going to bet on myself.  He is entrusting me with his own money in hopes that I will make him a return on his "investment".  Almost like a business deal.  Investing in a company that you are hoping will grow and turn your money into more money.  I am not sure he is putting his money in the right company.  I am guessing he has less than a fifty/fifty chance at getting a return on his investment.  More likely he will be losing it all.  I guess that is gambling for you though.  Sometimes you win and more often then not you lose.  If I win for him though, he will be a happy man.  I guess as long as there is hope.  It will be fun putting bets down with someone's money that isn't mine.  Time to pack and get Raina some food.  Ice her ailing foot and enjoy the evening with her. 

This Day In History: 1972
An attempt to rescue Israeli Olympic athletes from Arab terrorists ends in a disastrous firefight in which all nine hostages, five terrorists, and one German policeman are killed.

Born This Day: 1947
Roger Waters - English rock musician (Pink Floyd)

"We are the prisoners of ideas."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rules of engagement.

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