Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day Two Hundred Fifty Nine

Dear Readers,
      Holy Comikaze Batman!  What a freaking awesome day it was today.  It is late and I am really tired and we are heading back tomorrow, but I don't care.  I had an awesome time and am so thankful for my wonderful wife and her groupon that got us into only the second Comikaze.  I was thinking it was going to be considerably smaller and less crowded then what I imagine Comicon to be like.  I was totally wrong about that.  The Los Angeles Convention center is huge and was turned into a Mecca for nerds of all types.  Including myself.  It was crowded and there were a ton of awesome costumes and so many vendors to visit.  I also learned something new today.  I learned that Dr. Who is way more popular than I thought.  I think the most popular costume and vendor items for sale were for Dr. Who.  I couldn't believe how popular it is.  I thought it was more of a cult classic that had managed to stick around because of their loyal fan base.  Boy, was I wrong.  I think the fan base is growing exponentially.  I just might have to look into catching up on some Dr. Who.  If only there was more time in the days.  I was like a kid in the candy store at this place.  I couldn't turn my head without seeing something new that I wanted to take home with me.  Life size astromech droids.  Lightsaber chopsticks.  Comics galore.  Samurai swords.  Real armor and helmets.  Hand crafted leather journals and satchels.  Guitars with awesome Marvel prints on them.  Indiana Jones fedora.  Autographed photos by Adam West, Burt Ward and Julie Newmar.  They are all from the old school Batman TV show as Batman, Robin and Catwoman respectively.  Needless to say, it was an awesome day and I am so excited to be going back tomorrow.  We didn't get to experience the zombie area, including some kind of zombie keep away game that we can do.  Maybe another panel or two.  We saw one panel today with Stan Lee and Todd McFarlane, which was actually very entertaining.  Stan Lee is a comic guru and really entertaining to listen to.  I am hoping to be able to get a signature from him tomorrow.  Crossing my fingers.
      We left Comikaze and went straight to Huntington Beach for a birthday bonfire for a kid who isn't really a kid anymore.  We have known his parents since we were kids and watched him grow up.  He turns sixteen tomorrow and were able to celebrate with him today.  Including a football game on the beach that completely wore me out.  I don't think I have played a football game on the sand since I was a senior in high school.  I was worn out just from warming up, playing catch with Chris Allen.  Chris was feeling the same way as me, but we made it through the whole game.  Even though I was worried that if I had pushed myself anymore, that I might get to the point of having to throw up.  It was a lot of fun though and it was reminiscent of being young again.  Even though my body keeps telling me no.  Happy Birthday Micah!
      I almost forgot, but we actually found a few things for my sister in law, Brooke.  Of course there were Harry Potter things at that convention.  Including a place that sells actual wands and the Nimbus 2000.  Or is it 3000?  Can't remember.  The best part though, was the section where you could go and play an actual match of quidditch.  Which is a game from the Harry Potter books.  In real life though, it is a bunch of people running around with broomsticks between their legs trying to throw a ball into one of three big hoops.  I totally signed up Brooke so she could play when she came along with us tomorrow.  Okay, I didn't really sign her up, but I am hoping to find a way to convince her to get over her embarrassment and go out and live out a fantasy.  Okay, it might not be a fantasy, but I think it would be pretty awesome to see Brooke go out there and fly around on her Nimbus whatever it is and play some quidditch.  Here's hoping.

This Day In History: 1910
In a scientific journal, Jesuit priest and physicist Theodor Wulf reports that cosmic radiation is more intense at the top of the Eiffel Tower than at ground level, supporting the idea that the radiation originates from space.

Born This Day: 1857
William Howard Taft - 26th president of the United States.

"Where there is hatred, let me sow love.  Where there is injury, pardon.  Where there is doubt, faith."
-Saint Francis of Assisi

Some pictures of our day.
Pick out your very own wand.  You can even get your own book of spells.

I knew it. 

The Hulk!  Lou Ferrigno himself..

Chris does his best Thor impression.

Now he is Achilles.

I am Uruk-hai.


Those aren't the droids you're looking for.

Deadpool has me in a choke hold.  I had to say chimichanga.

The legendary Stan Lee and Todd McFarlane.

My very own astromech droid.

Chris is joining Cobra.

Wolverine is so cool.

So is Captain America.

And Thor.

The helmet of the god of thunder.


Sunset at Huntington Beach.

Are you ready for some football?

Chris seems to be.

That is one big match.

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