Friday, September 14, 2012

Day Two Hundred Fifty Eight

Dear Readers,
      Holy smokes.  How in the world was it so hot today, in the middle of September.  This is the kind of weather you expect in the middle of August.  At about noon, I was really starting to regret going in to work for the overtime.  We busted our butts out there and I think I had to drink a few gallons of water just to keep up with all the water I was losing through my pores.  I swear that it felt like I had never left Laughlin out there.  Except there was no river or air conditioned casino to escape the blazing sun. 
      Thankfully, we will find an escape for the rest of the weekend at the Los Angeles Convention Center.  It is Comikaze weekend and I just found out that Adam West and Burt Ward are going to be there.  If you don't know who I am talking about, then I fear for the way society is headed.  They are the original Batman and Robin from the old school television show.  Ending every episode with "Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel".  I loved that show growing up.  Even the movie was fantastic.  A little "Bam", "Pow", "Biff" every time Batman takes out a few bad guys.  He always had just the right thing for just the right moment.  Just like the time he had a shark attached to his leg and he just happened to have a can of "shark repellant" to get rid of the shark.  Batman is one of the coolest characters.  So many gadgets and gizmos and even a Batcave.  What I would give to have my very own Batcave.  Especially if I could get a secret entrance to it.  Maybe by playing a certain note on the piano?  Who needs a mancave when you could have a batcave?  I'll just keep dreaming.
      We tried a new Italian restaurant tonight.  My mom was at the fair with my sister, so my dad was home by himself.  So, we had a nice little dinner just the three of us.  My dad, Raina and myself.  We tried a little place right near us on Bellflower Blvd, which has been there forever.  For as long as I can remember, we have driven by it and never actually gone inside.  That changed today when we had our dinner at Marino's.  They gave us a ton of food.  Soup, salad, garlic bread, and our main course.  It was good food and a pleasant atmosphere.  Plus it was air conditioned, which made it fantastic to be at.  The warm air hit us in the face as we walked out, reminding us of the hot house we had to go home to.  It is finally cooling down now and hopefully we will be able to sleep comfortably.

This Day In History: 1814
Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star-Spangled Banner," a poem originally known as "Defense of Fort McHenry," after witnessing the British bombardment of Fort McHenry, MD, during the War of 1812. The song became the official U.S. national anthem on March 3, 1931.

Born This Day: 1949
Steven Gaines (Lynyrd Skynyrd)

"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
-Barry LePatner

Ha ha ha.

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