Monday, September 10, 2012

Day Two Hundred Fifty Four

Dear Readers,
      It has been a nice day of recuperating just in time for going back to work tomorrow.  It really has been a lazy day.  Literally waking up, taking a shower and then hanging out at home all day.  Working on catching up with my blogs, paying bills and watching Megamind.  The funnest part of my day had to be hanging out with my nephew, Micah.  He has been here all day and has been making me laugh all day.  The funniest thing about him has to be his haircut right now.  His hair is just like Lloyd's from Dumb and Dumber.  Look it up if you don't know what I am talking about.  It is Jim Carrey's character.  That haircut where a bowl is stuck on the top of the head and then trimmed all the way around.  Get a load of it for yourself.
      So, I did the only natural thing I could do, as a good uncle.  I started calling him Lloyd.  Then he did what he normally does and started to repeat me.  That kid really cracks me up.  Going back and forth saying Lloyd.  Everything was going great and we were having a great time, right up until he started climbing all over the bed and eventually fell off the bed, head first.  The death defying Micah making his own impression of Evil Knievel.  It didn't work out so well and now has a nice little bump on his head.  It's a good thing he has such a strong head. 
      It was partially back to reality today.  I went back to school after two weeks off because of Labor Day.  Tonight's class actually took up the entire time allotted without even a break.  Normally we get out about thirty minutes early at least.  Not tonight.  I guess we had to catch up after taking the previous week off.  Had to try anything to keep myself awake during the first hour.  Pretty stinking boring.  I know the teacher saw me nodding off, considering there are only about thirty students in the class and I sat in the second row.  No computers to hide behind this time.  It was just so stinking boring.  At least it caught my interest after that first hour and we started doing drawings.  Then I was able to stay awake with ease.  It is back to work tomorrow, but at least I only work three days this week.  Just so happens to be a Friday off.  Although, I will most likely end up working Friday anyways.  Have to work that overtime.

This Day In History: 1931
American mobster Charles "Lucky" Luciano has rival gang boss Salvatore Maranzano murdered and begins forming a national crime syndicate.

Born This Day: 1929
Arnold Palmer - American professional golfer who won 92 professional championships.

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
-Leo Tolstoy

Micah is now addicted to Angry Birds, which he simply calls "Birds".

See if you can hear Micah repeat me calling him Lloyd.

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