Monday, September 17, 2012

Day Two Hundred Sixty One

Dear Readers,
      It was back to reality today and reality hit me smack in the face starting with my 5:00 AM wake up call.  Back to work and back into the heat.  Thankfully it was considerably cooler today than it was over the weekend.  Only problem is, that it is supposed to get hotter again by the day after tomorrow. I still can't believe it has been hotter here in September than any other part of the Summer.  This is normally when the weather starts to cool down, not heat up.  I just wish October would hurry up already.
      I had a nice little cherry on top to my fantastic weekend.  After tonight/s football game, it was official that I am undefeated in all three of my fantasy football leagues.  I know you are thinking that I am living in an imaginary world and this is just one of the many things that makes me a nerd.  Face it, fantasy football is mainstream now and no longer just something that some stat geek does in the basement of their parents house to live out some fantasy of managing an actual football team.  Even though I do live at my parents house, it is not a basement.  So ha!  There wasn't one week last year where I won a game in all three of my leagues at the same time and now I have done it two weeks in a row.  Let's hope it is a sign of things to come and not a strong start to a slow spiral down towards the end of the season.  I just have to keep up with my statistical analysis every week to make sure I am in the best position to win week in and week out.  Boy am I glad I love math, otherwise all these stats would make no sense to me or just frustrate the heck out of me.  If I could, I would be a statistician for ESPN or something like that.  What a cool job.  Even though I know most of you are thinking I must be crazy.  If my wife loved sports as much as me, she would probably be agreeing with me.  It just so happens that I married a fellow math nerd.  Probably one of the reasons our arguments can be so calculated and can carry on forever. 

This Day In History: 1787
The newly drafted Constitution of the United States of America is signed by 38 of 41 delegates to the constitutional convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  The document then required ratification by nine of the thirteen states to become law.

Born This Day: 1900
John Willard Marriott - American hotel magnate who founded the Marriott chain.

"Time is a storm in which we are all lost."
-William Carlos Williams

He he he.  Thor wasn't an orphan.

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