Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day Two Hundred Seventy Three

Dear Readers,
      Today was a very lazy day. I spent it with my wife. We started early, or should I actually say, late. I slept in later than I have in probably a long time. I don't think that I actually got out of bed until about 10:00AM. In fact, I never even got out of my shorts that I sleep in. We spent the whole day bumming it. One of the better perks about staying with my parents is that my dad actually enjoys making breakfast. Well, I'm not sure he enjoys it as much as he just does it fairly consistently on the weekends. Breakfast was served just as soon as we got out of bed. Who could ask for more? It's a plus that my dad always makes a killer breakfast. Whipping up a mixture of whatever he might find sitting in the fridge. Then, after breakfast, instead of getting ready to go out and actually do something, we hung out in our room. I tried doing some organizing and cleaning, but that was a failed venture. We ended up on the phone with my sister for a while, trying to convince her to come over and bring our niece and nephew with her. We hadn't seen them all in a while and were looking to spend some time with them. Although our lazy day called for them to come to us and not us going to see them. So, a bargain was made. Raina would go with my sister on an errand while Micah slept and then would pick up the kids and come back over afterwards. It was fitting that our other nephews were over by the time Yoli had shown up. So we had a crowded house full of kids. Entertainment every where. We all ended up out on the front lawn, chasing each other and tackling kids. Learning how to hula hoop, watching the kids try to balance on the balance ball only to fall off in every which direction. It was great fun. Then we topped off the evening with a viewing of The Avengers with my niece, Kailee. What an awesome movie. I bought it yesterday and had been looking forward to watching it. I'm glad I didn't have to wait very long.
      The cherry on top for the whole day, was getting to bust out and use our light saber chopsticks that we got at Comikaze a few weeks back. They don't work real well, because the food has a tendency to slip off the end of the sticks. Either way, how can you not look cool eating Chinese food with a pair of light sabers? What a day of laziness and geekness. Guess I better take a shower and watch the end of the Oregon football game. By the way, the Dodgers won another game today and are only two games out. The playoffs are barely within reach. A little end of the season magic? I sure hope so.

This Day In History: 1930
Filming begins for the classic American made horror film Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi, who had played the title role on stage beginning in 1927.

Born This Day: 1907
Gene Autry - American singer and actor, "The Singing Cowboy".

"There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity."
-Douglas MacArthur


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