Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day Two Hundred Fifty Five

Dear Readers,
      For me, today is one of those days where there is a memory of something tragic and sad on a national level.  It is also a day of great joy.  On one hand, it is the day that the World Trade Center towers fell, after having been hit by two airplanes.  On the other hand, my nephew Micah was born three years ago.  My sister wasn't supposed to be able to have kids after going through breast cancer.  By a miracle, my sister was healed and soon after had my nephew, Micah.  An amazing blessing and so much fun.  Happy Birthday Micah.
       I still remember that day eleven years ago.  It was completely shocking.  I remember waking up and seeing the first tower smoking and watching as the second plane hit.  It is one of those days where everyone can remember where they were when it happened.  I was home and called Raina to let her know what was going on.  It was almost like it was a bad dream and you couldn't believe what was actually happening.  I can't imagine what it must have been like to have been there as one of the rescue units.  Looking back, there is a part of me that wishes I could have gone out there to help.  I don't know what I would have done, I just wish that I could have done something.  Drop everything and just go in faith that I could help in some way.  Even if it was just to help feed all the rescue workers.  I don't know.  Don't you get those moments or impulses to just do something, even if you don't know what that something might be?  There is that small impulse in everyone to want to do good in some way.  Right?  At least I would hope that there is that humaneness in just about everyone.  Where were you when the towers fell?
      Three years ago, the most strong willed and kookiest kid was born.  Micah is a character with a ton of personality.  Fearless, most of the time, and stubborn.  I can remember my sister telling me about a time where he could have gotten out of getting out of trouble just by saying "sorry".  He refused to say it to the point that he was put in time out and spanked multiple times and then after about three hours of disciplining and giving him the opportunity for saying "sorry" that he then finally said it.  Stubborn.  Then, the very next day, did something to bump into someone and said "sorry" without giving a second thought.  Just like it was natural.  Again, he can be very stubborn when he wants to be.  Either way, he is a blessing and a ton of fun to have as a nephew.

This Day In History: 1985
Pete Rose (Cincinnati Reds) achieved hit number 4,192 to break the record held by Ty Cobb.

Born This Day: 1924
Tom Landry - American football player and Hall of Fame coach.
2009 - Micah Prainito

"Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most."
-Unknown Author

Micah eating ice cream after it has melted.

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