Friday, September 21, 2012

Day Two Hundred Sixty Five

Dear Readers,
      I did it!  I was right about my internal time clock waking me up even before I had to be up.  I didn't even have to wait very long for it.  I expected it to be busier than last year when I wen to pick up Raina's iPhone for her.  It was about the same as last year though.  I got there just before 7AM and was home right about 9AM.  It helps to know of a Verizon store that doesn't seem to be very busy for these kinds of things.  I don't know what it was like anywhere else, but I didn't have to wait in line all night long, camping out for a new phone.  I showed up at a moderate time and waited in line just over an hour or so.  I always hear about these horror stories and the commercials make them out to be dreadful things to go to.  Not at all.  Showing up at 7AM, got me sixteenth place in line.  More than enough iPhones to go around by the time I got up there.  Now I have stepped up my mobile communication game.  I don't know what to do with all those apps and games and little detail things to keep myself organized.  It is options and information overload at my fingertips.  I guess I have to get with times.  Everyone else seems to be doing just fine with it.  I am afraid I am going to be just like everyone else I know who has these fancy smartphones.  Always with my nose in my phone.  I see everyone doing it.  It seems that walking anywhere can only be done with a phone right in front of your face.  Who needs conversation while you walk when I have the information highway on my phone.  Status updates and emails and text messages and games to be played.  Sitting at the dinner table is only tolerable if my phone can be in front of me or at least in a very close proximity.  I don't get enough television at home, so why not take it everywhere with me, and then even when I am watching television at home I still need to have my nose in the phone.  I don't want to miss out on anything.  Maybe I should try doing everything with my phone.  How about while I am driving?  Oh wait, that is illegal, right?  Who cares?  Everyone is doing it.  Are you catching my sarcasm here?  My one fear about having this phone, is all these possible scenarios.  I have done a fairly good job so far of not letting this happen to me.  At least not completely.  I can't say that I am totally innocent, because I have fallen into these traps before.  I just hope it doesn't become a habit now.  There is still meaning to a face to face conversation and actually paying attention to what we are watching, so we don't have to ask the one person who actually is paying attention what is going on.  Let's just say that I might know a person or two who I have to keep in line while watching a movie or television show.  I plan on making full use of my phone, but not let it take advantage of me.  It is a pretty stinking cool phone though.

This Day In History: 480 B.C.
Persian King Xerxes I pillages Athens.

Born This Day: 1866
H. G. Wells - English author (The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds)

"Remember if people talk behind your back, it only means you're two steps ahead!"
-Fannie Flagg

Here it is, my proof that I have finally stepped into the 21st Century of mobile communication.

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