Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day Two Hundred Fifty Two

Dear Readers,
      Here we are in beautiful, burning Laughlin.  Where we have done our share of “laughing” in Laugh-lin.  Ha ha, I crack myself up.  Nobody else seemed to find that one as funny as me, but I don’t care, it made me laugh.  A lot of laughing at ourselves because of how terrible our betting outcomes have been.  We are definitely going to be in the red for this trip.  Who cares though.  As long as we don’t go over our limit, then it was just a vacation that was very entertaining for the money we spent.  I look at it as entertainment spending, and then if there are winnings, then it is just a cherry on top of the great weekend spent with great friends.  Besides, the weekend isn’t over yet and there are still plenty of opportunities to make that money back.  I figure that coming out even over the weekend is just as good as winning money.  All that fun and it ends up being free?  That is the outcome I am hoping for the rest of the weekend. 
      Last night after dinner, we spent the later part of the evening over at a friend’s house that lives here locally.  They made a wonderful cheesecake for desert that was totally awesome.  My palette can’t handle a whole lot of sugary deserts, but I think I could have finished off that slice of cheesecake by myself.  I shared it with Raina though.  It is probably better that way, because otherwise I might have overdone the sugar and not even realized it until after.  It probably would have been worth it.  Shamefully, there was a slice that went to waste.  Poor Brooke was handing out plates of cheesecake to everyone, when she started to have the fork on the plate she was carrying slip out and onto the floor.  She tried to save the fork and in doing so, she tipped the plate she was carrying just enough to let the slice of cheesecake slide off and onto the armrest of the armchair.  Plop.  Thankfully, the chair was leather and it didn’t get onto the carpet, so it was easy clean up.  Unthankfully, the fork landed on someone’s foot, stabbing them.  At least there wasn’t a big mess or a stain to clean up.
      It is going to look like I am picking on Brooke.  I am not trying to, but she can be very entertaining.  Today it was evident that Brandon has been rubbing off on her.  Brandon has a habit of forgetting things and leaving them behind.  Especially his wallet and  keys.  Wallet is more likely, because he usually needs his keys to leave.  In fact, after going out to the river and riding wave runners this afternoon, he forgot his wallet in my truck after coming back to the hotel.  I grabbed it for him and didn’t tell him.  He didn’t notice until it was time to leave the hotel room after showering and getting ready for dinner.  Back to my point.  It must be contagious, because now Brooke is forgetting things.  Both her and Brandon came into our hotel room to visit after getting here and she left her sunglasses in our room.  I noticed them this morning before heading out to breakfast.  So, I wore them out and was planning on keeping them on until she noticed I was wearing her sunglasses.  Needless to say, she didn’t even realize I was wearing her sunglasses.  Even to the point that she made fun of me for wearing them indoors.  I am always saying how people who wear sunglasses indoors are dumb and I didn’t see the point.  The whole point of SUNglasses is that you wear them because of the bright sun in your eyes.  You don’t get too much sun indoors.  So when she saw me wearing them inside and even during breakfast, she took it as a chance to make fun of me for it.  After seeing us laugh at that, she realized there was something she was missing, but couldn’t figure it out.  It wasn’t until half way through breakfast that Raina spilled the beans and told her.  It was pretty funny that she didn’t recognize her own pair of sunglasses.  Poor Brooke.
      I did have a nice little brain fart this morning during breakfast that I know Brooke is ready to pounce on and tell the world about.  So I am going to beat her to the punch and share my own mistakes with everyone.  We had the buffet here in the hotel for breakfast and I grabbed one of the Eggs Benedict.  Well when I went to say that they were actually pretty good, I called them “Benedict Arnolds” instead.  It wasn’t the only slip of the tongue this morning.  I think I made about three slip ups and blamed it on the lack of sleep or something.  Even I have bad starts to the day.  At least I recognized them right after I said them today.  It could have been worse and I could have had multiple times where I didn’t even realize how wrong I was.  Just like how wrong all my sports bets were today.  I couldn’t hit anything.  At least there is always tomorrow.  Pro football starts and it should be a great start to the season.

This Day In History:  1952
The Ernest Hemingway novel "The Old Man and the Sea" was published.

Born This Day: 1157
King Richard the Lionhearted (England)

"There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem."
-Harold Stephens

Some more pictures of our vacation.
Trying to rally cap it to improve my odds at the casino.
Can you tell I just got off a wave runner from my wild hair.

The boys.

The girls in the water.

We decided to join them.

Beard so big you can see it from behind.

My beautiful bride.

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