Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day Two Hundred Sixty Nine

Dear Readers,
      It's late.  I'm tired.  I have had a very long day and want some sleep.  It is also my sister Melissa's birthday.  I didn't get to see her and wish her a happy birthday until she finally got home after 10:00PM.  I have grown up with my little sister as the older brother who picked on her, while she was the younger sister who tattled on me at every turn.  Not that I did very much for her to tattle on.  Okay, I was constantly doing things to get tattled on.  It was every little thing.  I couldn't look at her the wrong way without her yelling for mom.  It was a rough life growing up with her.  We eventually grew out of it though, when we were in our twenties.  Maybe not that long, but it seemed like it.  Now she is 26 years old, married, with two wild and crazy sons.  She is all grown up.  Sort of.  She is still my little sister and I need to remind her of that every so often.  I hope she had a great day with her family at Disneyland today and is continually blessed throughout this next year.  Love you sis.

This Day In History: 1890
The Sequoia National Park was established as a U.S. National Park in Central California.

Born This Day: 1951
Mark Hamill - American actor. (Star Wars)
1986 - My sister Melissa.  Happy Birthday Sis!

"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific."
-Lily Tomlin

The newest Batman villain.  Carpet Face.

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