Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day Two Hundred Sixty Two

Dear Readers,
      I had a fairly exciting ride home from work today.  When I say exciting, I mean that I was driving our carpool van to drop off the first guy on our way home when I was hit by another car.  We were getting off the freeway and making a right hand turn.  It is one of those exits that has a light and has four lanes.  Two for turning right and two for turning left.  I was on the outside turn lane and drove out into the third lane away from the curb to head down the street.  She happened to be turning inside of me but too widely.  She smacked the side of our van and we had to pull to the side of the road.  Except it was too busy of a street for that, so we pulled into the gas station parking lot on the corner.  We got out of our cars and I was waiting for her to say something to me, but she just went about gathering her information.  So I broke the silence by asking in a half joking manner, "What happened?".  Her response, "You hit me is what happened."  I couldn't believe what she was saying to me, but instead of arguing with her and getting no where, I just went about getting a hold of the police to get a report done.  It was a city vehicle we were driving, so we had to have an accident report done.  At first we thought it was going to be CHP to have to handle it and that was the information we were getting from our office, so we called CHP to come on out.  After waiting forever, they finally showed up.  Only to find out that we had just crossed the line outside of their jurisdiction, so they couldn't do anything for us.  Literally, the accident happened only ten feet past where it would have been their problem.  So then we had to call local police to handle our accident report.  Fortunately for us, it ended up being our own city police, Garden Grove.  So after waiting forever again for another cop to show up, he finally got there and took our report down.  Only problem, was that he seemed like he did not want to be there.  No talking or joking, just a very serious straight to the point guy who looked bored out of his mind.  This guy works for the same city as us and still just seemed totally upset that he had to be there.  I tried talking to him a couple of times without success.  Both times answering my questions with a short monotone answer.  Finally, he finished taking our statements and then just stood there, like he was waiting for something.  Only, he didn't tell us he was waiting for anything.  We just stood there in silence having no idea what was happening or why we were just standing there doing nothing.  Finally, another cop showed up with a camera to take pictures of the damage.  I couldn't believe he just stood there like we were supposed to know what we were waiting for or what we were supposed to do.  What a personable guy.  They finally finished doing all the needed to do and we were free to go.  As we were leaving I thanked the cop for taking time out of his precious day to come and do his job.  Okay, I didn't say it like that, but I did thank him.  Only for him to tell me that it was no big deal and he was just doing his job.  The best part was when the cop then told me that the lady was going to have a bad day when she read the accident report and then found out that she was at fault.  I couldn't believe the lady had tried to say that she turned into the slow lane and I cam all the way around the outside lane only to come back into the slow lane and hit her.  There wasn't even any damage to our van anywhere near the front of the car.  Crazy lady.  Why does California have so many bad drivers?  If the didn't then I wouldn't be almost two hours late coming home.  Driving tests need to be stricter.

This Day In History:  1851
The New York Daily Times publishes its first issue.  Now the New York Times.  In it, publishers Henry J. Raymond and George Jones state, "we intend to issure it every morning (Sundays excepted) for and indefinite number of years."

Born This Day: 1905
Greta Garbo - Swedish born American actress.

"Life would be so wonderful if we only knew what to do with it."
-Greta Garbo

Let's be smart about this now.

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