Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day Two Hundred Sixty Six

Dear Readers,
      It is official.  There are only one hundred days left of beard growing.  After today, my days of Sasquatch face are numbered.  I can feel the end coming.  It just means I only have one hundred days left to figure out a way to convince Raina to change her mind.  You just never know.  Anything is possible.  Right?  With faith of a mustard seed I can move mountains.  Right now, I just need to move Raina.  It is all about faith, right?  If you have any suggestions I am open.  
      My poor wife is about to be a workaholic.  She has just gotten hired at Buffalo Wild Wings, which would give her a fourth job.  She is already super busy as it is.  Babysitting, helping a lady with flowers for weddings, substitute teaching and now waitressing.  I wish it was me getting another job and not her.  I just don't have the time available.  I shouldn't say that.  I could have the time, but it would interfere with any possibility of working overtime with my job.  And overtime with my job is more lucrative then any second job I could get.  Which makes it really hard to make a second job worth it for me.  It would be better for us for me to work overtime with my job.  Enough about me though, my poor wife.  She is going to be really busy these next few months, if not longer.  Depending on how many substituting gigs she can pick up.  I wish Raina didn't have to be doing this, but we have a goal in mind and I am pretty sure she is more stubborn than me about completing it.  I can't believe how hard my wife works and I will never be able to show I grateful I am to have her in my life.  She has continually been an inspiration to me and if I were to work half has hard as she does then I could do great things.  My wife is the best a guy can ask for and I am blessed to have her in my life.  Thank you my love.

This Day In History: 1962
U.S. president Abraham Lincoln issues his Emancipation Proclamation, which would free slaves in Confederate-controlled territory as of January 1, 1863, and lift the tenor of the American Civil War to a higher plain.

Born This Day: 1791
Michael Faraday - English physicist and chemist who invented the electric motor, the dynamo, the transformer, and the generator.

"Every time I look at my pocketbook, I see Jackie Robinson."
-Willie Mays

Half the man he used to be.

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