Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day Two Hundred Sixty Seven

Dear Readers,
      Happy birthday to my mother in law, Karen.  It was her birthday today, and we went out and celebrated in style.  With an exhilarating round of miniature golf over at Boomers.  That is what she decided she wanted to do for her birthday, aside from going out to dinner at Lucille's.  Which was fine by me, because I always enjoy a round of miniature golf.  Even though I can be terrible at it.  I think that there was only one problem with going with the whole family.  The fact that there is nine of us and we play our round of mini golf all in one group.  Which can be pretty slow for the group of two or three that might be lucky enough to be stuck behind us.  Then there is the fact that we play with rules dictating that the person furthest away from the whole goes first, always working our way closer to the cup.  It can make for an interesting game of mini golf that can often times turn into croquet, always trying to know someone's ball out of the way, thereby making it harder on them.  So, for those people that were behind us, too bad.  No, I am just kidding.  We told every group behind us that they should play through or go ahead and come back to that one hole they skipped, because we knew we were going to be a while.  Either way, we made it an entertaining round.  At least as entertaining a round of mini golf can possibly be for a group of grown adults and one child.  You have to love how there really isn't too much skill involved.  Just smack the ball and hope another person accidentally knocks you closer, or even in the cup.  Which did actually happen a couple of times, even to the point of giving someone a hole in one on the technicality that they didn't take a second swing themselves.  Gotta love our own made up mini golf rules.  It really makes it even more entertaining that way.
      Happy Birthday again to Karen.  I hope we made it a memorable one for you.  Thanks for being a great mother in law, even though I know I can be pretty ornery.  I know you treat me so well for Raina's sake and not for anything that I do myself.  We love you and are praying for many more blessed birthdays with all the family.  Who knows?  Maybe eventually with a few additions to the family.  Wink, wink to Brandon and Brooke.  I don't think Karen could ask for a better Birthday gift.  Wink, wink, wink.

This Day In History: 1862
Russian author Count Leo Tolstoy, 34, marries 17 year old Sophie Andreyevna Behrs.  The couple proceeded to have 13 children over the next 17 years.

Born This Day: 1930
Ray Charles - American singer and songwriter.
???? - My mother in law, Karen Piliavin (Happy Birthday Karen!  Hope you had a wonderful day.)

"Great art picks up where nature ends."
-Marc Chagall

Caveman Beard.

Brandon, Brent and I hitting up the batting cages at Boomers.  We are all home run hitters.

That's me


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