Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day Two Hundred Fifty Seven

Dear Readers,
     Tonight, we went to see our niece, Kailee, cheering at the football game where she goes to high school.  It is actually the same school I went to high school at.  I am so proud of Kailee.  She is a really good cheerleader.  Especially considering how busy she has been this summer and the limited amount of practice time she has.  She was even payed a compliment by one of her coaches, telling us that she has improved greatly and has picked things up very quickly.  Okay, the coach that told us that was my niece on my wife's side of the family, Brenna.  Either way, it is still a wonderful compliment to hear about her.  I really had a good time watching her cheer and getting to see a football game.  I forgot how much fun high school football games can be.  Even though it was just a JV game, it was still entertaining.  Watching all the missed tackles, missed assignments, dropped balls and assortments of other mistakes.  It just made it unpredictable.  And then getting to watch Kailee be embarrassed from having us there at the game.  I kept telling her that she needed to yell louder and put a bigger smile on her face, instead of that face of embarrassment.  I even tried to do some of the cheers with her from the crowd.  I think that may have just made her a little more embarrassed of me.  That's okay though.  I am pretty sure it is in my job description as her uncle.  I just want to say how proud I am of Kailee and how hard she has worked thus far.  We love you Kailee.

This Day In History: 1900
While conducting experiments in Cuba to determine how yellow fever is transmitted, physician Jesse Lazear, 34, is bitten by a mosquito carrying the disease.  His death two weeks later confirmed the transmission process.

Born This Day:1916
Roald Dahl - Welsh born British author. (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

"What we play is life."
-Louis Armstrong

 Gotta have it.

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