Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day Two Hundred Sixty Three

Dear Readers,
     We got a package in the mail yesterday.  Actually, Raina got a package.  I saw it when I got home, but didn't open it.  If the roles had been reversed though, Raina would have opened up my mail.  She has a tendency to be a little nosy with my mail.  For the most part, I really don't mind.  Every so often there are things that I wish to keep private.  Especially around Christmas time.  Back to the point of the story.  When we finally got home together later last night, she took a look at the box and then told me it was actually for me.  I didn't get it right away.  I guessed she had bought me a gift some time back and it had finally shown up.  It turns out that it was the replica of the baseball I got for my birthday.  The one that is going up in Dodger stadium in my name.  I got a nice little stand for it and it has the same inscription that is on the one in Dodger stadium.  Now that I know it is up, I can go and see it for myself.  Now I just have to make it to one last game this year before the season is done.  Even though this season is looking more and more disappointing, I still want to go and enjoy one last game and hopefully enjoy it as a win.  Then go see my name in print.
      I recently got a birthday gift.  Yeah it was a little late, but it is the thought that counts.  It also helps that it is a pretty awesome gift.  My friend Jeff had been asking if he could come by because he had something for me.  He brought me a shirt, but not just any shirt.  A shirt I can wear with pride, at least for the rest of the year.  A mutual friend of ours has another friend who makes shirts for fun, including the line of shirt that I now have.  Take a look for yourself.

      Isn't it freaking cool.  My facial hair is locally grown, so why not get myself some support.  Needless to say, I was pretty happy to get this shirt as my birthday gift.  Getting it late, just meant I got to enjoy it all on it's own instead of having to share it with all the other gifts.  Thanks Jeff.
      Since we are on the subject of birthdays, it is a perfect time to wish another great friend of mine a very happy birthday.  Jaime Rocha has been in my life for what seems like forever, but forever is actually about fourteen years or so.  Happy birthday Jaime!  Thanks for being a great friend for so many years.

This Day In History: 1927
Henry and Edsel Ford drive the 15 millionth Model T off the assembly line at the Highland Park plant in Michigan, officially ending Model T production.

Born This Day: 1871
Orville Wright - American aviator who, with his brother Wilbur, developed and flew the first powered airplane.
1984 - Jaime Rocha (Another great friend)
"I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me."
-Noel Coward

The commemorative Dodger ball.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, put it in front of your picture of you and Raina on your wedding day
