Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day Two Hundred Sixty

Dear Readers,
    What an absolutely awesome day.  I didn't think we were going to be able to top our day yesterday, but it happened.  It started yesterday at a vendor booth that was selling electric guitars with awesome Marvel prints on them.  Spider-Man, Thor, Wolverine, Ghost Rider and so many more.  The guy was telling us about how Stan Lee had come to their shop to do a signing at their shop.  He showed us pictures of Stan Lee signing his own guitar.  He then proceeded to tell us about some of the guys actually selling their signed guitars on Ebay.  At first I couldn't believe they would get rid of them like that, until I heard about how much they were selling for.  They were ranging from a minimum of $1000.00 all the way up to $2500.00.  I couldn't believe how much they were selling for.  Then the idea popped into Chris' and my head.  Why not buy multiples and then the awesome guitars would pay for themselves.  It would become an investment with a nice present to ourselves.  So I ended up buying not just one, but two guitars.  One for me to keep and one for me to sell.  For the money I make on selling one, even if it is only for the $1000.00, it will pay for both the guitars and then some.  I got myself a Thor guitar with an awesome print with lightning in the background and an inscription saying "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."  It is freaking cool.  Then, the one I got to sell, is an Avengers one, with multiple characters on it.  They are both so awesome, but the Thor one is awesomer.  It was nerve wracking to actually meet the creator himself, Stan Lee.  He is so cool.  I can't believe I was that close to Stan Lee.  He is a hero to me and I wish I had just a tenth of his creativity.  I am so thankful to all those wonderful characters he created that I grew up with. 
      We met some pretty stinking cool artists and book writers and soaked in even more games of quidditch.  I tried very hard to get Brooke to sign up for a game, but she refused.  I even offered $100 and she still said no.  She is the one that missed out though.  She could have had a great time playing and $100 in her pocket, tax free.  Chris got a replica of Storm Shadows samurai sword from G.I. Joe and an awesome drawing of him to frame up above the sword in his house.  We also met the voice of Charlie Brown from those great movies we grew up with, including A Charlie Brown Christmas.  My mom is a huge Charlie Brown fan, so I had to get his autograph on a picture for her.  We thought about saving it for Christmas, but we didn't want to hold onto it for fear of getting it damaged sometime in the next three and a half months.  So we gave it to her tonight.  All in all, a fantastic weekend that I hope becomes a yearly tradition now.  We were here at the beginning.

This Day In History: 1920
In New York City's financial district, a horse drawn wagon filled with explosives detonates near the sub treasury.  Thirty-three people were killed and about 400 were wounded.  The bombers were never identified.

Born This Day: 1875
James Cash Penny - American founder of the J.C. Penny Company department stores.
1996 - Micah Vargas

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
-Winston Churchill

Comikaze pictures.
UCLA actually has there own quidditch team that played there.

The voice of Charlie Brown in all those great movies we grew up with.

Chris bought himself Storm Shadows samurai sword.

Presenting Dark Helmet.

Who made that man a gunner?

The amazing Stan Lee signing Chris' guitar.

Then he signed my guitar.

We are so cool right at this moment.

Star Wars characters.

That's it, I am joining Cobra.

Cobra Commander made me.

Stan Lee in the flesh.

A fellow bearded brother.

Brandon is doing his best Harry Potter impression for Brooke.

That's right, Stan Lee's very own signature.

Brandon had to say "Chimichanga" too.

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