Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day Two Hundred Eleven

Dear Readers,
      For those of you who wished me a Happy Birthday or came out and spent the day with me at the beach, thank you.  I really appreciated all of the birthday wishes and getting to spend time with all my loved friends and family members.  It was a very special 30th birthday.  Yup, I am no longer in my twenties and now am officially an old man.  I am still going to try to live as young as possible though, even if my body keeps telling me know.  I had a fantastic birthday and day at the beach.  I could not have asked for anything more.  I think the only thing that could have made it better would to have had all the friends who are living too far away to have come out.  You guys know who you are and I wished all you guys could have been there.  I am really stinking tired and I have to get up early, and besides, it is my birthday, so i am cutting this short and getting some birthday sleep.  Thanks again everyone.  Lots of pictures to come tomorrow.

This Day In History: 1981
Prince Charles marries Lady Diana.

Born This day: 1920
Hank Ketchum - cartoonist, creator of Dennis the Menace.

"To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail."
—Abraham Maslow
I think I might be slightly sunburned.

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