Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety Three

Dear Readers,
      I am again here in class, utilizing my time as efficiently as possible.  Our lecture is done for the day and we are on our break, waiting to take our test.  Our first test.  I am feeling pretty confident about it.  I have mentioned before that I have never really had a problem taking tests and normally do well on them.  I am counting on that same old skill to show up again now that school is back in session.  Besides, studying would just make me unsure about what I know and then second guess myself when it counts.  I have to be confident going in.  Just like going back over your test after having already finished, just to make sure.  It messes with your confidence and you second guess yourself, more often than not changing your already correct answer into the incorrect one.  So, I am ready and want to hurry up and get it over with. 
      I thought we were going to escape a wretchedly hot summer while the rest of the country suffered for it.  Here we are almost half way through July and we really haven’t had any really hot days.  Not like the summers of the past, with temperatures rising and hovering right around one hundred degrees at some points.  It really has been a mild summer so far, but my fear is that we are just going to pay for the good weather so far with a rash of extreme heat for the last two months of summer.  All I have to do is look at how the temperatures have risen over the last week or so.  I have a feeling the hot part of summer is just about to start.  I hate really hot weather though.  I am naturally a warm person already, and then to compound that with high temperatures and working out on the street where the asphalt just reflects it back up to you, it makes it just miserable.  Almost like you are working in a dry sauna, just sweating gallons of water out of your pores.  I guess it could be worse and be the exact opposite.  Working in freezing temperatures, where you have to be bundled up with gloves and jackets and hoods, always worrying about frostbite and windburn.  I guess I don’t really know, since I have never really experienced it.  It doesn’t seem like something I really want to try out though.  So, as we prepare for the hot weather at work with our canopies, water jugs, temperature gauges and sun hats, I just continue to dread the actual hot days to come.  So many regulations these days, including having certain items on the job to prevent working yourself into heat exhaustion.  All about safety.  Just like hard hats, steel toe boots and bright orange shirts for working on the street.  I hope you all find a way to stay cool.

This Day In History: 1974
More than 6,000 life-sized terra-cotta figures of warriors are unearthed by Chinese archeologists near the ancient Chinese capital of Xian.  The three acre burial site had been created about 206 B.C. to guard the tomb of the first Ch'in emperor.

Born This Day: 1274
Robert The Bruce - King of Scotland (1328-1329)

"Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog.  Few people are interested and the frog dies of it."
-E. B. White

Complibeard.  It's a word.

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