Monday, July 9, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety One

Dear Readers,
      It is back to reality day.  We packed up, loaded up, ate up and then drove out.  Breakfast at a little place called Rick and Anne's less than a block away from our hotel and then a straight shot home.  We had to hurry up and beat the traffic in Los Angeles so that I could have enough time when we got home to finish my homework for tonight's class.  I got just enough done so that I was able to finish it in class.  Unfortunately, it didn't allow enough time for me to type up my blog in class, like I normally do.  So, no time to waste on talking about my boring day of driving home and sitting in class for over four hours.  Here is a couple of things I didn't get to share about mine and Raina's weekend up north.
      In downtown Berkeley, right next to the university, there is a place called Cream.  It's an ice cream shop of course, but not your average run of the mill ice cream shop.  They specialize in ice cream cookie sandwiches.  Freshly baked homemade cookies of your choice with a scoop of your choice of fresh delicious ice cream.  I had a scoop of vanilla ice cream in between two oatmeal raisin cookies.  It was very yum.  I know my selection is a little on the boring side, but that is just how I roll.  Raina went a little more dazzling, though I can't remember what she got off the top of my head.  Probably chocolate chocolate chip cookies with espresso ice cream in the middle.  She is a very chocolatey person.  Needless to say, we were happy we stopped in for our desert.  Even though we had to search for about twenty minutes to find a Chase ATM to get cash out.  Simply because it cost fifty cents more to use your card then if you just used cash.  Still worth it.
      Just a quick little story that made me laugh as it happened.  Raina may kill me for telling this.  While at Zachary's waiting on our pizza, we had a Caesar salad to start off our dinner.  It came with two long toasted bread sticks, that at first glance looked like a couple of chop sticks in our salad that we were sharing.  Raina, thinking they were chopsticks, used them to try and serve the salad onto her plate.  It didn't work out so well as the bread stick snapped in half.  I chuckled a little bit about it and then she hit me when she caught me taking a picture of the bread stick to share with all of you.  She knew I was going to talk about it.  I am guessing she thinks I forgot, since I didn't bring it up over the last couple of days.  I just saved it for an extra day.  Sorry babe, but it made me laugh.  I love you.  Especially for your good sense of humor.

This Day In History: 1941
During World War II, British cryptologists break the secret German "Enigma" code.  Enigma was the Germans' most sophisticated coding machine.  Originally employed for business purposes, the German Army adapted the machine and considered its encoding system unbreakable.

Born This Day: 1856
Nikola Tesla - Serbian born American inventor, engineer, and scientist who patented fluorescent lights and about 700 other inventions.

"May you live as long as you want and not want as long as you live."
-Tom Hanks


The infamous chopstick breadstick.

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