Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day One Hundred Eighty Nine

Dear Readers,
      Day two of our relaxacation here in beautiful Berkeley.  We were supposed to spend the day walking around San Francisco, but my sickness got the best of me this morning.  I felt even worse when I woke up.  Fortunately I am feeling better now.  So I am hoping I will be even better tomorrow to allow for a superb day on the town.  I would have hated walking around with my eyes watering and having to blow my nose everywhere I went.  Instead we spent the day relaxing, swimming and working out.  I wasn't going to waste my vacation time laying around in bed all day.  I was going to make the most of it, no matter what.  After a splendid breakfast at Saul's, where I had the delicious hash and eggs, we went to pick up a few items on the shopping list for Raina's dad.  He grew up in the area and actually went to school for a little while here at Cal.  Needless to say, he is a big fan and asked for a few items of clothing from one of his favorite stores.  I hope he enjoys all the new Cal gear.
      I have to say, after walking around this little town for a couple of hours, it is a very quiet and beautiful neighborhood with lots of trees.  One of those little college towns that are full of old traditional homes that I love.  The weather is great and I could actually see myself living here, if it wasn't so close to Oakland and wasn't so expensive.  It doesn't help that the school I love, Oregon, is always competing against Cal.  I guess I would be able to see them a couple of times a year when they come down to lay down the law on the Golden Bears.  Either way, there are places I would rather live that are more cost efficient then here.
      It has been another day with time spent by and in the pool.  I really love swimming and hope to one day have one of my own.  It's a great workout and great for those hot summer days.  There have been so many days of coming home from work in the dead heat of summer and wishing I could just take a dip in the pool to cool down.  Some day.
      We had dinner at Zachary's tonight.  A great pizza joint just down the street.  They do Chicago style pizza, but we got our own version.  A stuffed pizza.  A layer of dough, then toppings and cheese, then another layer of dough and then a top layer of cheese and their signature sauce with diced tomatoes.  It was so freaking awesome.  I think this is our third time there and it has been excellent every time.  We even brought back a few slices for a late night snack while we watch our rented movie.  If you are ever in the area, and you are a pizza lover, you have to try Zachary's.  They are always really busy, but it is worth it.  They will have to roll you out of the place, just like they had to do to me.  Stuffed and ready for a movie.  John Carter tonight.  I heard it was pretty bad, but I still wanted to see it, at least once.  It was only $1, so it isn't like we will be wasting much money.  Gotta love Redbox.

This Day In History: 1876
Jesse James, the most notorious train robber of the American West, holds up the Missouri-Pacific train and robs it of $15,000.

Born This Day: 1906
Satchel Paige - American Hall of Fame baseball player.

"A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Some pictures of our day.
The lobby at the Claremont

Hash and eggs from Saul's

You can see San Francisco from our hotel

Soooo Gooooood!

I got green chiles on top of mine

Self explanatory

Love this place

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