Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day One Hundred Eighty Six

Dear Readers,
      Happy Fourth of July everybody!  This used to be one of my favorite holidays growing up, besides Christmas.  I looked forward to fireworks every year.  There was something amazing and special about those exploding lights.  I couldn't wait to start firing them up.  Unfortunately, a lot of the luster has worn off.  Is it the fact that I have grown up, or is it that fireworks just got bigger and bigger every year so that I am now callus towards the basic fireworks?  One of my two favorite fireworks as a kid were the snakes, which I don't see anymore, and the sparkler in the shape of a machine gun.  My dad hated the snakes, because they would always stain the concrete black out front and you could never get it out.  I just thought it was one of the coolest things to see a little tablet get lit and grow into this big worm all on it's own.  The machine gun was just living out my fantasy as a kid to be a soldier in a big war.  Going around shooting up the enemy.  Neither one of those fireworks are still around.  They have changed so much.  Picolo Petes are still the same, but the flower fireworks used to last so much longer.  Now they are lit and done within three seconds, and they all cost so much more.  I actually saw a couple of different fireworks today with Spanish names.  Mexico is really taking over.  The names are slowly but surely become Spanish names.  En Fuego and another one called Viva Futbol!  Amazing. 
      Now, a little bit of a response to Matt's bashing of my beard and my blog.  First thing, I did get some beard love today from Chris's brother Todd.  It just so happened that this is the first time I have seen him with a beard, so naturally he gave a little beard love my way today.  Second, I don't spend my busy weekday evenings after school writing my blog.  I do it during any free time during class, so that way I can maximize what little time I have with my wife.  Thirdly, I just have to ask.  If I was a bad husband, is it worse to be a bad husband or a bad father.  I am just asking without anyone in particular in mind, Matt.  Just kidding, you aren't a bad father, but it might be misconstrued that way with what I saw today.  Grabbing your daughter by the hair to throw her into the pool, in front of your young son.  Causing him to cry because his sister is being attacked so viciously.  Then the slapping of your daughter across the face.  This doesn't look like good parenting skills 101 to me.  I guess I could be wrong, but I think Social Services might see a problem with that.  It just looked like child abuse to me.  Poor Kailee probably has some bruises.  If she was in school I would be really worried.  You know the teacher would ask and they would never believe Kailee's story.  Poor poor Kailee.  I guess it is just a matter of time before Micah starts getting beat in public.
      For those of you who do not know Matt or I personally, this is all in good fun.  I just love finding ways to dig at Matt a little bit.  Besides, I have to stick up for my niece a little bit.  Matt is actually a very good father to my niece and nephew.  If he wasn't, then I would have to step in for real.  Give him the boot.  Thankfully, I don't have to.

This Day In History: 1884
France presents the United States with the Stature of Liberty, commemorating the French and American revolutions.

Born This Day: 1790
Sir George Everest - Welsh surveyor-general of India, after whom Mount Everest is named.

"Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work; so most people don't recognize them."
-Ann Landers

Some pictures at our 4th of July barbeque at the Jones' house.
My bride and I.

Matt grabbing his daughter by the hair.

Parading her around while her hair is being pulled out.
And then thrown into the pool.

Poor Micah's reaction to the bad treatment of his sister.

Matt about to slap Kailee across the face.

Kailee's reaction to her face getting slapped by her dad.


  1. That's a really good picture of Micah crying. I didn't know you captured that moment. But David Matt is a good dad...and you know it.
