Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ten

Dear Readers,
      Tonight's blog is going to be short sweet and to the point.  I am using my parents laptop, which is ancient in computer technology standards.  Mine is being held hostage by the "Geek Squad" at Best Buy while they transfer all the saved files from my old laptop to my new one.  I know, it took me long enough to finally get it done.  Better late then never.  I was pretty upset when I took it in though.  When I bought the laptop originally, they told me they would give me a discount on the data transfer, and made no mention of an up charge if it was too much information.  I found out that they were going to charge me an extra $40 because it was more than 12 gigabytes of information, or something like that.  I couldn't believe it.  I was so upset I almost up and walked out of there, but I need to get the information off the old laptop.  Too many music files and pictures and important information.  So I had to suck it up and make my complaint to them about their lack of information to buyers and then fork out the cash. 
      It is my mom's birthday today.  For those of you who know me, you know that mine is tomorrow.  That is right, my mom was blessed with me as a birthday gift thirty years ago.  Actually, I am sure there are much better ways she would have liked to have spent her birthday other than in a hospital in who knows how much pain.  Just one of the many reasons for me to be happy I am a guy.  I hope my mom had a wonderful birthday today and hoping to be able to spend many more with her.  I really do have the best mom in the world and am very thankful for all the things she has done for me and supported me in and scolded me for.  Imagine if I hadn't have gotten all those mllions of scoldings, how much worse I would be.  Thanks mom, I love you.  Oh, and by the way, my dad's birthday is the 31st.  All three of us are all within four days in July.

This Day In History: 1976
Captain Elden W. Joersz, U.S.A.F., travels 2193.16 miles per hour in a Lockheed SR-71.  This is the record for the fastest a human has gone within Earth's atmosphere.

Born This Day: 1866
Beatrix (Helen) Potter - English author (The Tale of Peter Rabbit)
???? - Yolanda Ortega (My wonderful mom, I don't think she wants me posting all over the internet her actual age.)

"Becoming number one is easier than remaining number one."
-Bill Bradley

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