Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day One Hundred Eighty Seven

Dear Readers,
      I just want to point out to my brother in law Matt that I am here saving time, typing up my blog during my break in class.  So that I can maximize the time I have wirh Raina.  Have to utilize every moment.
      Going back to work today for one day was a real bummer.  I hate days like this.  The boss isn't in and we aren't doing any major work, because we don't want to leave any unfinished projects over the three day weekend.  There is also the fact that most of our department had the day off, so there were only about nine of us there today.  So the day ends up being a bunch of filler work.  Little odd jobs, paperwork and cleaning around our yard jobs.  Organizing trucks and warehouses.  Just a bunch of tedious work that doesn't even get you out and about very much.  Kind of like our rainy days.  Usually I just go home or take those days off.  Unfortunately, I traded my day off today for Monday so we could stay an extra night in Berkeley.  So, a little sacrifice now for what I hope will turn out to be a pleasantly memorable weekend.  It is supposed to be a little chilly out there for the weekend, but I would much rather have that then a weekend of sweltering heat.  Just throw on a sweatshirt or jacket and you are good to go.  Especially walking around San Francisco.  You tend to generate enough body heat just walking all over the city.  By the way, I won't be visiting Alcatraz like I hoped.  It is my fault for not giving Raina enough advance notice to make the reservations required for the tour.  I just didn't think about it.  It will have to be on the next trip up there.  There will still be plenty to do and pleanty of places to get some good grub.
      What is it about traveling that brings out the eater in me?  I guess there is this sense that we are in a place that I will either never go back to, or rarely go back to, and I want to try anything that I might not be able to get back at home.  I mean just look at all those cooking shows that are on TV nowadays.  It just shows how diverse food has become, and every city has something new to offer.  Whether it is some small hole in the wall mom and pop cafe or some fancy shmancy expensive restaurant that needs reservations months in advance.  I have already been given suggestions for places to go and I am hoping this slight cold I have will not interfere.  You heard me right, I am sick again.  At least it isn't some awful throat infection.  It is a slight cold that is making my nose runny, just on my left side.  Which makes my sinuses act up, just on my left side.  Which makes my eyes water, just on my left side.  It is really weird how that happens.  The right side is completely fine.  I can breath through that nostril and see clearly out of that eye.  The left side is a big mess.  I can't breath out of that side and it looks like I am crying for no apparent reason.  I am praying for healing tonight so we can wake up early and hit the road.  Hopefully early enough to miss all that traffic driving through Los Angeles.  So, I will be blogging from the road this weekend.  No catch ups, hopefully.  I want to keep you updated on a regular daily basis.  Now, time to pack.

This Day In History: 1942
Ian Fleming becomes the first graduate of a training school for spies in Canada, known as "Special 25."  The training proved invaluable to the creation of his fictional spy, James Bond.

Born This Day: 1951
Huey Lewis - Singer for Huey Lewis and the News.
1980 - Teresa Jenkins (Happy Birthday old high school rainy day lunch buddy!)

"There are three roads to ruin; women, gambling and technicians.  The most pleasant is women, the quickest is gambling, but the surest is with technicians."
-Georges Pompidou

Hip hip, hooray!

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