Friday, July 13, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety Five

Dear Readers,
      Tonight we celebrate our friend Liz's birthday.  A nice little get together with some friends and awesome food.  That is right, we are cooking up the carne asada tonight.  Throw it into some tortillas with guacamole and salsa and you are set.  Add a side of rice and a plethora of appetizers and we will be completely stuffed after tonight.  I have a feeling my stomach is going to be killing me before the night is out.  Looking forward to a night of hanging out after this past week of work and school.  The weekend is here.
      Raina spent the day with Liz for her birthday today.  Taking her out and about, even making a little stop at a tattoo shop.  Liz finally got a tattoo today after talking about it for what seems like an eternity.  It is a butterfly on her wrist with leopard print wings.  Leopard print is a theme for her and even made an appearance in her wedding.  I am happy for her finally getting what she wanted after so long.  Happy Birthday Liz!  I hope you enjoy your party and your birthday is everything you imagined it to be.  Especially since Chris shaved off his beard for you.  Enjoy it while it lasts. 
      What is it about tattoos that become an addiction for some people?  I don't really understand it.  I think they are cool and all, I just don't want to get one myself.  There are people that can't get enough of it though, like an addiction.  Spending all their money to get that next tattoo.  Do they put something in the needle, like cocaine?  I don't get why people love to have their bodies covered in tattoos.  I am not saying this as an attack on those people, I am just trying to understand.  I don't have anything against it at all.  Like I said, I think they can be pretty cool.  There is even a story behind a lot of tattoos that people get.  Especially the one's that are names of past wives or girlfriends.  It always seems a little funny to see someone with a tattoo of a name of someone they are no longer with.  It is just so permanent to tattoo their name and not even be committed enough to be married to that person.  Those rarely seem to end up well.  Then there are the stories of the guys I hear that get tattoos after a night of binge drinking and can barely remember going to the tattoo parlor in the first place.  Or the ones where their friend has a tattoo needle and lets him try it out on them, even with no experience.  Hey, I saw it done once.  What could possibly go wrong?  My favorite ones though, are the ones where there is lines of writing and they are either misspelled or in a different language and don't actually mean what they are supposed to mean.  My one suggestion is that if you get one like that, you better make darn sure that it is correct and it is what you want for the rest of your life.  Unless you have a bunch of money to blow and don't mind paying the bunches of money to get them removed after realizing your mistake.  Better to be sure in the first place.

This Day In History: 1939
American singer Frank Sinatra makes his recording debut with the Harry James band, singing "Melancholy Mood" and "From the Bottom of My Heart."

Born This Day: 1942
Harrison Ford - (He was Han Solo and Indian Jones for pete's sake.)

"Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects."
-Will Rogers

Self explanatory.


  1. Thanks hot friend! I am loving my new tattoo...oh wait I got 2 tattoos today. I am excited about some carne asada also and am so glad i could provided you with a blogging topic today :) oh and I am enjoying a non bearded husband for a few weeks until it comes back with a vengance (well that's my fear) See ya in a bit to parrr.tayyyy!!

  2. Oh and I am also so thankful for your wife and the fun we have every year for our bday outings....she really is the BEST!!

  3. hahaha I didn't even notice that Allen shaved his beard!
