Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety Nine

Dear Readers,
      I was able to spend a little time watching TV last night, because I was able to finish my blog in class and finish my homework in class, which gave me a little free time.  I have been giving my sister in law, Brooke, a continuously hard time for being such a big Harry Potter fan.  The fact is, is that I have wanted to watch the Harry Potter movies for a while now.  I just didn't want to start and then wait for the next movie to come out.  I wanted to wait for them to all come out and then watch them in a row.  Then I would read the books, because the books are always better then the movies.  I figured if I had read the books first, like most people did, then I wouldn't enjoy the movie as much.  So, last night in my little bit of free time, I watched the first Harry Potter movie.  At least I started it.  I began to fall asleep half way through the movie.  I am not sure if it was because the movie bored me or if I was just that tired.  I am thinking that I was just that tired, because the movie wasn't really boring as much as just an introduction movie that was done over eleven years ago.  I'm sure it will be enjoyable, but I fear it will be sub-par in comparison to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  Late at night is probably not the best time to be watching these movies and trying to keep up with them.  I am sure I am missing things that the average fan of the books is getting.  It's just like when Brandon and I make a joke or comment that only an avid Star Wars fan will get.  Pretty nerdy of us, but I am sure Brooke would be the same way if she had a fellow Potterhead to joke with.  Just the other day I caught a little bit of one of the other Harry Potter movies.  It was on TV and I watched for a little bit, but I had to ask what a "muggle" is.  Anybody who has seen the movies from the beginning will know this.  Since I hadn't at the time, I had to text Brooke to find out the answer.  If you haven't seen the movies or read the books, it is a person that has no magic ability.  Whatever.  I can't believe I spent my blog talking about Harry Potter.
      On to something infinitely better.  I am going to see the new Batman movie tomorrow.  I can't wait.  It is worth skipping the class, even if I might fall behind.  Now Batman is a subject I am much happier discussing.  My love of Batman began many years ago, when the old school TV show with Adam West was on.  Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel!  It was a goofy show, but I loved every minute of it.  Bam, biff, pow, wham and all the other silly words used to describe Batman and Robin putting a beat down on Gotham's criminals.  For those of you who know what I am talking about, remember the "shark repellant"?  Yes, he actually had a spray can that could be used to keep sharks away.  All those goofy gadgets and gizmos.  Although, you can't deny that even that version of the Batmobile was pretty stinking cool.  It was a convertible for Pete's sake.  There wasn't even any doors to it.  They just hopped in and out over the side of the car.  Then it shot flames out of the back rocket engine.  I wish I could have a car just like that.  Maybe someday.  I can dream.

This Day In History: 1968
The Beatles' animated film Yellow Submarine premieres in London, England.  In the movie's psychedelic fantasy, The Beatles save Pepperland from the evil Blue Meanies.

Born This Day: 1952
David Hasselhoff - Actor, singer producer, businessman.

"Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame."
 - Benjamin Franklin

Even Rocky grew a beard out to defeat a giant of a Russian.

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