Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day One Hundred Eighty Five

Dear Readers,
      I am starting to miss my wife and am especially looking forward to this weekend.  We have both been so busy over the last few weeks, that we have hardly spent any time together.  We had a little time on Sunday at the mall while my truck was getting an oil change and we were together at the Dodger game, but Raina was so tired from the previous week of work that she was mostly silent.  We both have work and I have school and then there is Raina's second job of working as an assistant to a florist who does weddings.  So after work on Friday, I went to help Brandon move while Raina babysat.  Then on Saturday, Raina worked a wedding in the morning and by the time she was done, I was on my way to the Dodger game.  I know she has been missing me.  I don't want to say I am more practical about things then her, but there is a part of me that understands that we are both busy and don't get much time to spend together.  Which gives my wife the illusion that I don't actually miss her.  Now that we are going on a few weeks of our hectic schedule, I am missing her even beyond my understanding of our busy schedules.  That is why this weekend away together has me really excited.  I get to spend it with my wife and I get to go away for the weekend.  We will be heading up to Berkely California.  Leaving Friday and we aren't coming back until Monday.  Only bummer is the fact that I have to be back in time to go to class at :5:30PM.  Raina's grandmother has blessed us with a room at a really fancy hotel in Berkely.  I can't remember the name of it.  I just remember the story I always hear of how the move Mrs. Doubtfire filmed the pool scene at that hotel.  It is going to be an awesome weekend of working out, dinner with grandma, walking around San Francisco, and relaxing in the spa.  I am praying for safe travel and plenty of quality time together. 
      I am hoping to finally do something I have always wanted to do in San Francisco.  Finally go and visit Alcatraz.  As many times as I have been up there, I have never made it over to "The Rock".  That place just seems so intriging to me.  So many stories and history in that place.  In fact, my mom has told me that I have had a family member as an inmate there.  I have a great uncle, or something like that, who killed a man in self defense.  Apparently he was a giant of a man in very good shape.  He actually escaped and still lives in Mexico.  No, he didn't escape directly from Alcatraz.  There is a loop hole to this breakout.  The guards back in those days used to take him into San Francisco to fight in underground boxing matches.  So they could gamble and make money off his fights.  On one such occasion, he managed to escape and take off to Mexico.  I think that since the guards were doing something illegal, they covered it up.  I really should do some of my own research on this story.  There is something really cool to have a relative who was on Alcatraz and escaped.  It would be cool to meet him and hear the story directly from him while he is still alive.  It might make for an interesting addition to a book or something.  So, needless to say, I really want to visit Alcatraz someday, and hopefully that day will be this weekend.

This Day In History:1962
Jackie Robinson is inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, the first African American to be so honored.

Born This Day:1962
Tom Cruise - American actor. (Crazy scientologist)

"I think age is a very high price to pay for maturity."
-Tom Stoppard

It really does.

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