Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety Two

Dear Readers,
      Yesterday, as I was trying to rush and finish my homework before class, I was asked a simple and curious question by my two nephews.  My parents had been watching them since Sunday afternoon and they stayed over for a couple of nights.  I'll set the scene a little.  I am hard at work on my drawing, with all my drafting tools on the table.  I also had my glasses on, so I could see all the detail on my sheet of paper.  I don't wear my glasses very often.  It is usually only when I feel I need to see details of some sort, or driving at night while I am tired.  Needless to say, neither of my nephews had seen me wear them before.  The other thing you need to know is that my nephews call my dad, papa.  They come into the room asking what I am doing, and as I am explaining to them how I was working on homework for school, one stops and asks "Why are you wearing papa's glasses?", while the other says "You look just like papa."  All because of the glasses.  It was really neat to hear them ask and say that.  Just the thought that they relate glasses to my dad was interesting.  The minds of little children. 
      My nephews also did one other thing that was endearing to my heart.  As soon as they realized what I was doing, they asked if they could use my drafting tools, because they wanted to draw up plans just like me.  So my dad showed them how to use the circle template to make a bundle of grapes and other shapes, and how to use a straight edge and other things.  All so they could go and draw up plans just like Uncle David.  It was pretty neat to see and will probably be one of those memories that sticks with me and I tell them about when they are much older, only to hear them be too old for such nostalgic things.  It is moments like that which give me the desire to have children of my own.  I know those moments get swallowed up with moments of disobedience and loud screaming, but those moments are precious and I hope to have many of them with my own children someday.

This Day In History: 1958
England installs its first parking meter.

Born This Day: 1509
John Calvin - French Protestant religious reformer and theologian after whom the Calvinist church is named.

"The regularity of a habit is generally in proportion to its absurdity."
-Marcel Proust

The nephews camping out inside our house.

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