Monday, July 2, 2012

Day One Hundred Eighty Four

Dear Readers,
      I'm already falling asleep in class and we are only ten minutes into class.  So here I am writing up my blog for tonight.  The Teacher is reviewing what we learned last Thursday.  I really almost passed out for a minute there.  Stay awake, stay awake.
      I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday, while on our way to the Dodger game.  He asked if I noticed a difference this time around going to school.  I actually feel completely different this time around.  At least for now that is.  My focus and my attention span is so much better.  The first time around I was young and dumb, completely distracted by anything and everything.  I wasn't taking it seriously enough, just trying to enjoy the moment.  Looking back, it seems like such a waste.  I know it's only been a week, but I feel so much more motivated to finish my homework, and learning is so much more enjoyable then I remember it.  I really am motivated to do will in this class.  So, yes, it is very different for me this time around.  Much older, a little bit wiser and less distracted.  Then there is the whole understanding the value of work and the almighty dollar.  Can't be wasting money on classes I don't finish.  I already wasted enough money the first time around.
      By the way, I am still waiting on the Beard Bashers crew to respond.  It has been really quiet on their blog for what seems like two weeks now.  I found them quite entertaining and am beginning to miss their quick wit.  I would have thought that they would have jumped all over the fact that I broke Brooke's fan, or the picture of me holding the Dodger shirt talking about needing a shave.  Saying something along the lines of how the Dodger's don't even support my beard.  Alas, there is nothing but silence.  So, since I brought up Brooke's broken fan again, Here is the picture of it.  I forgot to post it yesterday.
See, it doesn't look broken.

This Day In History: 1937
American aviator Amelia Earhart disappears.  With navigator Frederick Noonan, she was attempting to fly around the world when they lost their bearings over the Pacific Ocean.  No trace of Earhart or Noonan was ever found.

Born This Day: 1932
Dave Thomas - American founder of Wendy's chain of restaurants.

"When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane."
-Hermann Hesse

Just wondering.

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