Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety Six

Dear Readers,
     Spent my morning helping a friend move out of their apartment today.  Raina and I have really started a trend.  There is another couple heading out from their own place to live with their aunt and uncle to save money.  We may have created a monster with all this moving out stuff.  Maybe with one fell swoop we can save the real estate market, thus helping out the economy and ending the recession that we have been in for what seems like four years now.  If only it could be saved that simply.  Anyways, I went over this morning to load up the last of the heavy stuff into their U Haul truck and then unload everything at their new home in Downey.  Speaking of Downey, there are some sneaky nice neighborhoods in Downey.  I was driving down Firestone Blvd, following our friend Jacob, when we made a right turn into what seemed like a teleportation portal.  I was sent into a stinking nice neighborhood, just off the ghetto area of Firestone.  It is like the Bixby Knolls in Long Beach version in Downey.  If you live here in Southern California you will get that reference.  For those of you who don't, Bixby Knolls is this fantastic neighborhood with double wide streets and huge houses, right in the middle of all the ghetto that is Long Beach.  This neighborhood in Downey was the same way.  I had heard there were nice neighborhoods in Downey and now I have finally seen one of them.  If I didn't have to live so close to my work, I would actually consider living in that area someday.  It was awesome, and with reasonable pricing.
      I also went to see The Amazing Spider-Man tonight.  It was really good.  Much better than the last three with Tobey Maguire.  Especially that last one.  They really ruined what could have been a great movie with that last one.  So, I do recommend seeing this new one.  I like the actor portraying the new Spider-Man and am hoping they continue this series of Spider-Man in a much better fashion.  It was a great two hours of geeking out and action eye candy.  Maybe just a little bit too much of the love story for my taste.  It could have done with a little less of that and more fight scenes with The Lizard.  Anyways, here is to a better franchise of Spider-Man movies.  Do it right this time.  Less of Peter Parker being a pansy.

This Day In History: 1881
American outlaw William H. Bonney ("Billy the Kid") is shot by his former friend Patrick Floyd Garrett.

Born This Day: 1913
Gerald Ford - 38th U.S. President

"When I was a little boy, they called me a liar, but now that I am grown up, they call me a writer."
-Isaac Bashevis Singer

Check out all these great beards of the Civil War.

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