Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day Two Hundred Seven

Dear Readers,
      I have a dilemma with school, already.  The next class in succession for my engineering courses is during the morning next semester.  Why can't they have one at night?  Almost all the other engineering classes require that next class before I can take any of them.  Which leaves me without another class to take in the desired field of study that I want.  It means I need to take a class that will be a general education class.  Either way I will need them for my Associates degree.  The only problem is that I haven't taken my assessment tests yet.  So I can't take most of those classes with either taking the assessment test or taking the most basic class as a prerequisite.  I don't want to do that, because I am sure I will test better than the basic classes.  Which means I wouldn't have to take them.  My enrollment date has come and I need to enroll in something, or else everything is going to fill up.  Most of the classes I want to take are full or are filling up very fast.  Now my other dilemma.  I can't take my assessment test until next Wednesday.  I really screwed myself up on this one.  I am going to get stuck taking some class I really don't want to take or something I won't need for my Associates.  Why does this have to be so difficult?  On top of all that, I need to fit in three assessments tests and an appointment with a counselor, all while going to school.  Which brings me to another problem.  Why don't they do any of those things on Fridays?  I already have most Fridays off and would be able to spend those days doing all my things on the list.  Unfortunately, everything is from Monday to Thursday and ends at 4:30PM.  Which is thirty minutes after I get out of work.  So now this is costing me a ton of money, a ton of time and now it is going to cost me my vacation time from work.  Just have to keep the end goal in focus.  Know what all this is going to achieve for me.  It will be to mine and my families future benefit.  I just needed to get that off my chest.  Thanks for bearing through my little rant.

This Day In History: 1999
Having overcome cancer, Lance Armstrong becomes the first cyclist on an American team to win the Tour de France.

Born This Day: 1840
Flora Adams Darling - Founder of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

"You can do anything, but not everything."
-David Allen

Just the facts ma'am.

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