Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety Four

Dear Readers,
      I spent a good portion of my morning, while working, listening to KROQ.  I have been trying to win Comic Con tickets from them for the last three days.  Trying to call in and answer questions and be the right caller.  They were giving away whole weekend passes.  I have wanted to go for years now, and have yet to make it.  It has become increasingly difficult to get tickets.  I think this years tickets sold out within about an hour and a half.  Ridiculous.  It would have been amazing to finally get some tickets and head down to the geekfest known as Comic Con in San Diego.  I completely missed getting into a game they had on the air where they would say the name of a secret identity and then you would have to answer with the name of the superhero that went with it.  I knew the answers to every one except for one.  They gave out four sets of tickets in that one game.  I was so upset that I had missed it.  Then again, if I had, I probably would have gotten that one secret identity I didn't know.  It would have been just my luck.  Well, I didn't win the Comic Con tickets, but they happened to be giving something else away as prizes this week.  I will consider it my consolation prize.  It may not be Comic Con, but it is still pretty stinking cool.  I have done pretty well at winning prizes by calling in to KROQ with answers to trivia questions.  So far I have won tickets to see the first Transformer's movie in a prescreening before it came out to the public.  I won tickets to an Eddie Vedder concert, which was totally awesome, and now I have won tickets to a prescreening of The Dark Knight Rises next Wednesday.  I get to see the movie two days before it comes out to the public and it is free.  I am pretty stinking excited about it.  I have been looking forward to this movie for months now.  So now after I see it next Wednesday I can let you all know the spoilers.  How Batman dies or how Robin shows up for five minutes of the movie or maybe how Rachel Dawes comes back from the dead after sitting in the Lazarus Pit for five years.  If you know anything about the Batman comics you will get that last reference.  Those aren't real spoilers, so if they are true at all, then it is purely coincidence.   So, now that I have two tickets, I am taking any and all bids to get an invite to go with me.  Perhaps a dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse or just straight cash.  I'll even take gift cards.  I am actually totally kidding around, because of course I am taking my beautiful wife.  I am glad to have her with me.  I asked her first and she was all for it.  Sorry to all those who thought they had a chance of getting an invite.  I guess you can try bribing Raina for her ticket, but I doubt she will take any offers.  Good luck if you want to try.

This Day In History: 1960
The first Etch-A-Sketch went on sale.

Born This Day: 100 BC
Gaius Julius Caesar

"Study the past if you would define the future."

Listen up chump!

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