Monday, July 16, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety Eight

Dear Readers,
      What is it about Mondays that we dread so much?  Is it really just because most of us have to go back to work?  Has Monday been tainted so badly that we automatically find Monday to be a downer?  Especially after a long weekend, Mondays are really hard to get back into the swing of things.  I am never ready to go back to work after the weekend.  After that first day is out of the way though, I am ready to go.  It is the whole stopping for the weekend that wears on me.  Especially since most of my weekends are three day weekends, due to how my schedule works and because of our furloughs. I think that work schedules should be amended for this.  Possibly work half days as our first day of the week.  Then Mondays wouldn't seem so long.  Maybe we could do as the Spanish do, and have a siesta in the middle of the day.  I'm not sure how great that would be though.  Stopping in the middle of the workday.  I guess we would miss the hottest part of the day, for those of us who work outdoors, but then the work day wouldn't end until later and you might feel like you have less time to do things in the evening.  I think I would rather work through to finish my work sooner and then go home sooner.  So, I'm gonna go with the half day Monday idea.  Maybe we wouldn't dread it so much.  If only I was in charge of everything.  I know there are minor things you would like to see changed to, or at least try.  What might those be?
      I just realized as I am sitting here typing this, that my teacher actually takes off his shoes while teaching from his computer.  He literally kicked them off and let out a sigh of relief.  Maybe his shoes are too small for his feet, or maybe at his age they swell from standing for too long.  Who knows, I just thought it was funny that as professional as he dresses for the class, that there is a moment of relaxation for him in kicking off his shoes.  At least it isn't him unbuttoning his top button on his pants for comfort. 
      Does anybody watch American Ninja Warrior?  I think that is one of the coolest things out there.  I wish I could just go run the obstacle course for fun.  Just to see how far I could get.  I am no where in as good as shape as those guys doing it.  Nor do I have the kind of balance that they possess.  It just looks like a lot of fun and would love to challenge myself at it.  I have been telling myself that I want to train for it, just like I wanted to train to be on American Gladiator back in the day.  It just isn't working out.  I watch some of the home videos of these guys and most of them don't have real jobs and are able to spend most of their time training for this obstacle course.  How do they get by in life with that much time spent training.  Some of these guys actually built certain parts of the obstacle course in their backyards to train specifically for it.  I wish I could have more time in the day for that.  Maybe that can be another thing I could wish for.  That the hours in the day would increase to thirty six instead of twenty four.  So much more time for activities!  Wouldn't it be great if the days were that much longer?  Then we could spend twenty four hours awake doing productive things and twelve hours a night spent sleeping.  If only.  Then I could start my training in Parkour.  Running and jumping all over ten story buildings and playgrounds.  I'll just keep dreaming.

This Day In History: 1926
The American magazine National Geographic prints the first underwater color photographs.  The pictures were taken off the Florida Keys.

Born This Day: 1907
Orville Redenbacher - American popcorn gourmet and tycoon.

"There are no small parts.  Only small actors."
-:Ginger Rogers

If this guy can do it, then so should I.

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